image of the head of the FMIPA dean
Unesa.ac.id SURABAYA�As a state university or PTN with the nickname Home of Champions Campus, Surabaya State University (UNESA ) continues to transform into one of the leading PTNs in Indonesia with a number of advantages that are not only demonstrated at the university level, but also at the faculty level.
To date, UNESA has nine faculties plus a graduate school. Each faculty has its own advantages, such as the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), for example.
The faculty located at Campus 1 Ketintang has four advantages as stated by the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Wasis, M.Sc., at the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE), on Monday (26/2/2024).
Advantages and Characteristics
First, from the study program aspect, 9 out of 10 undergraduate (S-1) study programs at FMIPA have been accredited superior or A from BAN-PT. Apart from that, it has also received international accreditation from the Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs (AQAS) and Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (ASIIN).
Secondly, from human resource aspects. Prof. Wasis explained that FMIPA has around 200 lecturers, the majority of whom have doctoral degrees at home and abroad. Around 17 percent of that number have become professors or professors in various scientific fields.
Third, from the aspect of infrastructure, FMIPA is supported by adequate infrastructure. In fact, it has more than 50 types of laboratories spread across various study programs. All of these facilities and infrastructure are to support learning, research, innovation and development activities for FMIPA students.
Fourth, from the aspect of academic atmosphere, FMIPA is one that regularly participates in various academic activities such as guest lecturers, seminars, conferences and national and international publications. We also collaborate a lot with foreign partners to improve academic quality.
�Our faculty has characteristics that are in line with its mission, namely Eco-Edu-Preneurship which colors both academic and non-academic activities at FMIPA. "The orientation of students is to have scientific competence, environmental awareness and entrepreneurial abilities," said the Nganjuk-born professor.
Alumni Distribution
Deputy Dean for Learning, Student Affairs , and Alumni, Prof. Rooselyna Ekawati, Ph.D., revealed that in general, the study programs at FMIPA are in the new students' favorite category. This can be seen from the number of registrations and the level of rigor from year to year.
He added, there are study programs at FMIPA in the pure category and there are education study programs. With various learning and internationalization programs carried out so far, many FMIPA students have contributed to achievements both at the national and international levels.
�Our alumni are spread across the world of business and industry. "Many of them are also undertaking further studies, not only domestically, but also abroad through various scholarships," he said.
Deputy Dean for Planning, Finance, Resources, General Affairs, Cooperation and Information Technology and Dr. Communication Sifak Indana, M.Pd., said that to join FMIPA you can go through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT), and the independent route or SPMB UNESA.
List of Scholarships
For the best sons and daughters of the region and those who have a number of achievements, they can study at FMIPA through scholarships. There are dozens of scholarships that can be used, such as the KIP-K scholarship, Pemuda Tangguh, ADik-Afirmasi, ADik-Disabled, BPI (Indonesian Education Scholarship).
Apart from that, there are also LPDP scholarships, AMN (Nusantara Student Dormitory), East Kalimantan, Pertamina Hulu Rokan, Baznas, Jakarta Card for Excellent Students (KJMU), Petrokimia Gresik, Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), Bank Indonesia (BI), and cooperation scholarships with the provincial government, as well as UNESA internal achievement scholarships.
"Ladies and gentlemen, but be enthusiastic about taking the route of accepting new students, prepare yourselves as well as possible. "We are waiting and we hope that you can become a big FMIPA family," said the Jombang-born lecturer. In addition, the undergraduate (S-1) study programs at FMIPA are:
- S-1 Biology
- S-1 Physics
- S -1 Chemistry
- Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Biology Education
- Bachelor of Physics Education
- Bachelor of Chemistry Education
- Bachelor of Mathematics Education
- Bachelor of Science Education
- Bachelor of Data Science.
Reporter: Joy Nathanael (FISH)
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
UVCE FMIPA Streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=-Q9c8Mt6UvE&t=2554s
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