Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Which country in the world is the laziest to walk? At the top of the list and ranked first is Indonesia. In addition, Indonesia is also known as a country that is low in physical movement activities. This condition has the potential to cause various critical illnesses, one of which is stroke. Therefore, it must be addressed and changed little by little through physical activity habits and exercise.
How to? Here, there are simple tips that were conveyed by Kunjung Ashadi, S.Pd., M.Fis., AIFO as Secretary of PKIK UNESA in the webinar "Stroke Prevention and Increasing the Degree of Physical Activity of the UNESA Academic Community" on Thursday, October 21, 2021 on the 11th Floor of the UNESA Rectorate Wetan Tongue Campus.
Practical Tips for Physical Activity
To stimulate physical activity, simple and easy tips that can be done are;
- Every time you do work or study activities for 25 minutes or 30 minutes, interspersed with resting for five minutes for physical activity. Get up from your seat and take a short walk. Then back to the laptop after five minutes. Avoid sitting in front of the computer for hours without resting time, the risk of hypertension is high.
- Park the vehicle one meter further than usual. Do it consistently. Then gradually add another meter and add more. That way there is an opportunity to move on.
- Get used to using the stairs if there is no urgent need. For example, if you want to go to the sixth floor. Use the first date from the first floor to the third floor. Only then was given a gift using the elevator. More to be added in the future.
- Stretching or light exercise in every work activity. For example, while waiting for windows on the computer to be ready, you can stretch your hands and so on.
- Cycling is not only a hobby and a lifestyle, it is also important to try to increase physical activity. Cycling with friends and family will be healthier and happier.
Tips for Forced Exercise
Meanwhile, for strategies or tips to be forced to exercise regularly, namely; 1) Find a compelling reason to exercise. If the body is stretched, what is changed is not the size of the clothes, but the lifestyle and diet. 2) Set the exercise time reminder alarm clock. 3) Put sports clothes in front of the bedroom door. 4) Invite family, friends and friends to exercise together. “It's very easy to do, free, practical. Health is expensive, but illness is much more expensive," he concluded.
According to him, such habits must be applied regularly and consistently so that the body is healthy and fit. He said, Indonesia is the number one country that is the laziest to walk in the world. It is also a factor in the low physical activity of the community. Indonesia is ranked 108 out of 195 countries with an estimated life span of 73 years. Still below the average life expectancy of the world community. What about East Java? The average age of life in East Java is lowest on the island of Java. "The first rank is Djogjakarta and we (East Java, ed) are in 10th place," he explained.
Physical Activity; Secrets of Health and Longevity
The secret of the Hunza tribe in Karakoram, the foothills of the Himalayas, who received the title from WHO as the world's longest-living population, is because of their high physical activity and lifestyle and consumption of natural ingredients. Likewise with Japan and Spain, the key is always sufficient physical activity. "One of the factors for us to be healthy and live a long life is healthy and sufficient physical activity," said the webinar to commemorate World Stroke Day.
The activity was in collaboration with PKIK UNESA, National Hospital Surabaya, Kortex, Indonesia Brain Spine Community, and Granostic. There were four resource persons present; 1) dr. Gigih Pramono, Sp.BS from KORTEX Brain Spine, 2) Dr. Lilih Dwi Priyanto, M.MT Head of Brain Spine Community, 3) Dr. Moch. Purnomo, M.Kes Head of PKIK, 4) Visit Ashadi, S.Pd., M.Fis., AIFO as Secretary of PKIK. In the material delivery session, the activity was guided by dr. Aji Wibowo as moderator. The event ended with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between UNESA and PT Kortex Global Sejahtera. [UNESA PR]
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