Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Critical illness is the highest cause of death in Indonesia. One of the dominant factors for the emergence of critical illness is the lack of exercise and physical activity. This was conveyed by the Head of the UNESA Center for Sports Science, Dr. Moch. Purnomo, M.Kes in the webinar "Stroke Prevention and Increasing the Degree of Physical Activity of the UNESA Academic Community" on Thursday, October 21, 2021 on the 11th Floor of the UNESA Rectorate Campus Lidah Wetan.
At the event, which was intended to celebrate World Stroke Day, October 29, 2021, Purnomo revealed some data related to physical activity and sports for the Indonesian people. With the high mortality rate due to critical illness, one of the reasons is because many people are still ignorant of their health and fitness. Many people do not realize that ordinary critical illness care is very expensive. Like heart disease, for example, which can reach hundreds of millions. Especially cancer.
Lack of Exercise plus Smoking Triggers Stroke
Factors causing critical illness in the majority because; smoking habits, high blood pressure and lack of exercise. In addition, it is also due to excessive salt intake, high blood sugar, obesity and many more. One of the critical illnesses that many people suffer from is a stroke or a sudden occurrence of cerebral blood vessel disorders.
To reduce the risk of critical illness including stroke, one thing that can be done is to exercise regularly or do physical activity. According to WHO recommendations, the recommended physical activity is 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity. One of UNESA's efforts to encourage the academic community to exercise is by requiring physical education materials for all faculties.
Very Low Physical Activity of the People of East Java
Based on data from BPS, the level of physical activity of the people of East Java is in the order of three from the bottom and that is quite worrying. In order to increase physical activity and make the people of East Java happy to move and exercise, the Governor of East Java immediately collaborated with UNESA to mobilize the community. Dispora Jatim launched a community sports drive program (POM).
The program launched by the provincial government is East Java Seger (happy to move) which then cooperates with all sports stakeholders. Meanwhile, UNESA launched sports villages in each region and village. “Each village has cadres of sports movers. The direction is towards a fresh and fit East Java community," he concluded.
Encouraging the East Java Civitas and Communities to Actively Move
Meanwhile, UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni Dr Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes said that he would continue to encourage students and the entire UNESA academic community to carry out physical movement activities to maintain health and fitness. "We are both encouraging and promoting physical activity at UNESA and in the community, because this is one of the keys to health," he said.
Information, the webinar is in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Sports Science (PKIK) UNESA, National Hospital Surabaya, Kortex, Indonesia Brain Spine Community and Granostic which was attended by four speakers; 1) dr. Gigih Pramono, Sp.BS from KORTEX, 2) Dr. Lilih Dwi Priyanto, M.MT Head of Brain Spine Community, 3) Dr. Moch. Purnomo, M.Kes Head of PKIK UNESA, 4) Visits Ashadi, S.Pd., M.Fis., AIFO as Secretary of PKIK. In the material delivery session, the activity was guided by dr. Aji Wibowo as moderator. At the end of the session, UNESA and PT Kortex Global Sejahtera signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation to improve the quality of public health. (UNESA PR)
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