Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Saturday, 12 December 2020, the Department of Education and Reasoning, the Executive Student Association of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Unesa held an Education Webinar with the theme "Online Learning Strategies in Educational Dynamics in the Era of Digital Literacy".
The webinar is held virtual through the Zoom Meeting application and Youtube streaming of BEM FBS Unesa presented by Dr. Martadi, M.Sn and Laila Syifa Rahmi, S. Ked.
In his presentation, Martadi, who is a lecturer in Arts Department at Unesa, revealed that in digital learning, some people in the institution can make their work easier. He expressed his disapproval if two topics were the same and then taught by different lecturers.
"We should look for one great lecturer who can teach many students at once," he said.
In addition, Martadi revealed that student participation is also important for whether or not it is effective in online learning.
"In this digital era, various learning is needed. With virtual, teachers and students, students and lecturers must be able to take advantage of learning methods anywhere and anytime," he explained.
Martadi also emphasized that online learning is learning that trains students to solve various problems. In problem solving, critical, holistic interdisciplinary and creative thinking is needed.
"Here, the teachers and students must help each other to bring some innovation in online learning," he said.
Meanwhile, Laila Syifa Rahmi, the Founder of @youthranger.id, explained the condition of Indonesia because Covid 19 has led to online learning.
"This pandemic demands all institutions to use digital means in all their activities," he explained.
Syifa also gave tips on successful online learning for students and students. First, prepare a comfortable room as a lecture hall every day. Second, listening to the lecture material well and taking notes.
The third is to do activities like normal lectures, such as bathing and so on. The fourth is to create a reminder for class schedules and assignment deadlines. Fifth, don't sit too long.
"Sixth, managing stress and bring it up into positive things," he added.
Apart from the webinars, this event also held a presentation of "Call for Papers". 16 speakers presented papers with various themes in front of the webinar participants.
The presenter's paper will later be included in the e-proceeding and will receive revisions or criticism from reviewers. This is useful so that the presenters know any shortcomings of the paper. (Pai)
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