Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The implementation of education during a pandemic is indeed quite challenging. On the one hand there are many challenges and on the other hand it is an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of technology and innovation in education.
To discuss this, students of International Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNESA held an educational webinar with the theme "Optimizing Digital Platforms and the Role of Educational Actors in Facing Distance Learning Challenges".
As speakers, there were three main presenters, namely Ahmad Bashri, S.Pd., M.Si, Lecturer of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNESA and Carolina Adventia, Young Activists Concerned about Biology Learning and Nur Aliyah, S.Pd., M.Pd, Teacher of SMP Negeri 6 Gresik.
The activity was opened by the Head of the Biology Department, Rinie Pratiwi Puspitawati, M.Si. In his delivery, he explained that this activity was a discussion forum for sharing knowledge, seeking opinions from experts, and increasing scientific capacity and quality.
The hope is that in the future, this activity can trigger the presence of ideas and innovations for more optimal distance learning. "Innovation must be supported by a mindset that appreciates each other's ideas so that this aspect is important in encouraging novelty in the learning system in the future," he added.
Meanwhile, Carolina Adventia delivered material about challenges and opportunities for distance learning (PJJ) in the pandemic era. He explained that in implementing PJJ there was anxiety. Usually it is influenced by two factors, namely students (student's learning abilities) and teacher's teaching abilities. Both have troubling problems such as lack of ability to operate equipment properly, difficulty in class management, lack of literacy and so on.
He continued, the challenges that students feel include students must be able to prioritize time, must be able to position themselves to maintain social interaction, students need to know the focus of their favorite scientific fields, and students need to actualize and cultivate their own capacities. "When students do forced learning, they actually do not learn optimally or tend to be half-hearted," he said.
He also conveyed four learning methods that can be actualized, first Project-Based Learning (project-based learning), Problem-Based Learning (problem-solving based learning), Blended Learning (collaborative learning methods), and Flipped-Classroom (student freedom-based learning in convey ideas).
Furthermore, the second material by the Lecturer of Biology Education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNESA, explained the implementation and dynamics of using digital platforms in facing PJJ challenges in the pandemic era. According to him, the learning process that runs in the field shows that the use of digital platforms is dominated by WhatsApp Group and Google Classroom, followed by Google Meet and Zoom Meeting.
Based on this, to present fun learning, it is necessary to apply cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects, then aspects of methods, models, strategies, techniques and learning approaches that are varied and are student center (student centered). “Sooner or later, the changes are real. A platform that is more flexible in adapting to changes (adaptive) will be of interest, "he said.
Finally, the material by Nur Aliyah, S.Pd., M.Pd discusses optimization, innovation, learning and the role of educational actors in facing PJJ challenges. The teacher at SMP Negeri 6 Gresik delivered material using simple quiz and survey methods which were followed by all webinar participants through the website application www.menti.com. In the survey, he explored the participants' opinions regarding the feelings they experienced and the media used during PJJ. Simple survey results show PJJ online causes boredom, numbness, fatigue and so on.
According to him, through the blended learning method that collaborates synchronously and asynchronously applied by educators can eliminate all negative impacts that are felt according to the survey. Thus the optimization carried out through learning media can include aspects of mindset change, learning surveys, learning improvement and reflection. The webinar, which was attended by 256 participants, ran smoothly and attractively, because there was also a door prize for participants who actively participated in the webinar from the beginning to the end of the event. (juris / zam)
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