Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–In recent days, the curve of Covid-19 cases has shown an increase. Data released by the government on June 22, 2021 reported that there were an addition of 13,668 new positive cases and the total number of active positive COVID-19 patients reached 2 million cases. In the midst of increasing cases, of course the face-to-face learning plan (PTM) which will be applied in the new school year must be reviewed and reviewed.
Related to that, UNESA Education Activist, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn commented that there are three things that must be understood in this case, namely, basic rights, regulations, and readiness. He added that by regulation, based on a Ministerial Decree, it was confirmed that PTM could indeed be carried out in areas classified as green or yellow zones. However, it also needs to be supported by elements of school readiness in implementing health protocols properly and correctly.
For health care, it is the key to self-defense from the pandemic, because it should not be arbitrary and careless. Proces must be in accordance with procedures, such as the percentage of student attendance to reduce crowds, good air circulation in the room, adequate places and facilities for washing hands, checking body temperature and other supporting tools.
"If these conditions are not met, PTM cannot be implemented," he said in the JTV Afternoon Talk program on Tuesday (22/6/2021). “The most important thing for all of us is the safety and health of children, teachers and education personnel. That's the main thing," he said.
In a different place, Dr. Bachtiar S. Bachri, M.Pd, Head of the Institute for Learning and Professional Development (LP3) UNESA said that PTM must be full of consideration. On the one hand, PTM is indeed a necessity, because on the one hand the learning objectives can be achieved by academic subjects online, but attitudes and values such as enthusiasm for learning are difficult to achieve online, but must be offline.
Although face-to-face learning is important, the safety of all parties is the top priority. Therefore, it is important to implement the process. Educational institutions located in the green or yellow zones wishing to implement PTM must look at the readiness and control system for implementing the program. "Don't let them obey the procedures in the school environment, while outside they are not controlled," said the UNESA Curriculum Expert.
Therefore, according to him, PTM does not only demand the readiness of schools, but also the readiness of all parties. Community preparedness and control become a defensive wall when children are outside the home and school. Meanwhile, parental readiness and control are the children's walls of defense at home. The control node and the implementation of the process must be established as a single chain of safety for the safety of students, educators, staff and all. (Nov)
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