Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – In order to eradicate narcotics abuse in universities, the Surabaya State University Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) in collaboration with the East Java Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) held a urine test for 160 people. This event was held on Thursday (2/9) at the Unesa LP3 Building, the Lidah Wetan campus, Surabaya.
Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Sc., as the head of SMCC revealed that the urine test that was held this time was aimed at the leadership level, from the Chancellor to the Head of Study Program, even the head of the BEM. Diana also explained that the implementation of this urine test is part of the national action program to prevent the eradication of narcotics abuse and illicit trafficking. "So actually the goal is to create clean, healthy and responsible ASN," he continued.
Furthermore, the head of the SMCC also explained this event as evidence that Unesa supports the creation of a drug-free campus. In her explanation, Diana hopes that all levels of leadership are clean from drugs.
Meanwhile, Unesa Chancellor Prof.Dr. Nurhasan said this activity is to provide education as well as an example for the community, that drug eradication still needs special attention in the current pandemic era," said Cak Hasan, the rector's nickname. He also reminded that the pandemic should not distract attention from the importance of eradicating drugs. Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. advised the Unesa academic community to stay away from drugs, because drugs can harm us all. (has/vin)
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