Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The Covid-19 pandemic has not reduced the enthusiasm of Unesa Music Arts students in their work. Friday (11/05/2021) students of the Sendratasik Music Arts Study Program (2019), the Department of Ballet, Faculty of Language and Arts, Unesa presented a performance with the theme "Folk Song For Millennial Generation".
The performance for the second event in a series of Virtual Harmonization concerts in the Pandemic Period was the work of a group of students in the Performing Arts Management class. The event was also enlivened by the appearance of the guest star 'Klantink'.
On that occasion, group participants performed folk songs that had been arranged in such a way. “We are still working, even though the atmosphere is not normal. We just want folk songs to be known and give meaning to contemporary songs," said Ragil Anggoro Putro as the Head of Production for the event.
Head of the Unesa FBS Sendratasik Department, Dr. Anik Juwariyah, M.Si expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the works of his students. "Your work shows your breath, it means that you keep moving, continue to live to pursue the performing arts that you have studied so far," he said.
Meanwhile, in the third series of events held on Saturday (12/6/2021), group three students presented a performance entitled "The Beauty Of Java Songs". On that occasion there were two Javanese songs, Lir Illir and Lingsir Wengi which were arranged in a modern way with a touch and a mix of various musical instruments.
"Hopefully this music concert will be one of the media to preserve Javanese songs and other local songs and this is also our effort to appreciate music and musical works born from the Indonesian nation," said Monica Septriandari, Head of the Event Organizer.
In the first performance, students of music art class 2018, 2019, 2020 collaborated with the Surabaya and Kluncing Arts Center. The song they performed was Lir Ilir by Sunan Kalijaga, whose philosophy is that as Muslims wake up and be aware of themselves, which is symbolized by plants that are starting to bloom with green.
Cah Angon in the song means someone who is able to bring his people on the right path. The torn clothes symbolized that the people must always improve their faith so that they will be ready when called to appear before Him. This must be done when we are still healthy which is symbolized by the light of the moon and we still have a lot of free time.
In addition, there was also a performance of the song Lingsir Wengi by Sunan Kalijaga. The song is often connoted as mystical and horror. However, through the performance, it was conveyed that the song was created by Sunan Kalijaga as a medium of da'wah which means munajat and deep prayer for the servant to God Almighty. (QQ/ESTI)
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