Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–Students majoring in Ballet FBS UNESA held a virtual music concert titled 'New Variation of Children's Songs' on Saturday (19/06/2021). Production leader Kenno Richie explained that the concert deliberately raised children's songs, with the aim of raising and reviving domestic children's songs with variations of modern arrangements.
Dr. Anik Juwariyah, M.Sc., Head of the Sendratasik Department in his speech conveyed his pride for the students of the Unesa Music Arts Study Program for their hard work in organizing the virtual concert.
"We appreciate the enthusiasm of the students in working and showing good work results despite the pandemic," he said. "Indeed we must continue to work, because it is a form that we can do something useful for others," he added.
On that occasion, there were six songs that were performed. Starting from the song Kring-Kring There's a Bike, Brother Bakso Bakso, Wake Up to the songs of the Shepherd Child, Magic Words and Sayonara.
In the concert, there were virtual observers, namely the well-known music conductor and composer, Addie Muljadi Sumaatmadja or better known as Addie MS. Then there are also famous Indonesian musicians, Oni Krisnerwinto and famous Indonesian guitarist Jubing Kristianto.
According to Addie MS, children's songs are one of the important components in education. Children can learn many things through the lyrics and the words that are made into songs. It can be an effective means of instilling noble character. "Learning through songs is certainly good enough for children without them feeling like they are learning or being taught something," he said.
Meanwhile, Oni Krisnerwinto added that in the last 10-15 years, the existence of children's songs has slowly experienced a crisis marked by the lack of new songs appearing. “I hope that children's songs will continue to develop and adapt to their times through events like this (music concert, ed). Besides the role of students, the government also needs encouragement through policies," he hoped.
Jubing Kristianto said the same thing about the condition of children who began to erode. According to him, the government's program to support the emergence of new children's songs already exists, but it also needs the role of all parties so that it can continue to develop and become a means of children's education. (Nov)
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