Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Implementation of Computer-Based Written Examinations for Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (UTBK-SBMPTN) is only a matter of days. As scheduled, UTBK will be held simultaneously from April 12 to April 18, 2021 for the first wave and April 26 to May 02, 2021 for the second wave. Therefore, Unesa as one of the places for the implementation of the exam made a lot of preparations, one of which is coordinating with the Surabaya City Covid-19 Task Force.
The Surabaya City Covid-19 Task Force Team immediately conducted a location survey in Unesa on Wednesday (24/3/2021). All rooms and computer labs that will be used as a place for examinations are examined.
The goal is to ensure the condition of the room and the computer lab according to health protocols. Such as ventilation, air circulation, to setting the distance to sit and the ideal capacity of participants in each room.
In total there are 36 UTBK rooms in Unesa. The number is divided into three test locations. At Lidah Wetan Campus Unesa there are 13 rooms. In Unesa Ketintang Campus, there are 18 rooms. Meanwhile, 5 more rooms are on the partner campus, Unusa.
Before monitoring the location, the Assessment team consisting of the Health Service team, the Education Office, the Surabaya City Linmas BPB, the Unesa Admissions Team, and the SMCC, and the Unesa Public Relations team held a discussion regarding the flow of the exam implementation to comply with health protocols to reduce the risk of a new covid cluster -19.
"This survey is to ensure that all matters regarding the implementation of UTBK are in accordance with the health protocol. We hope that UTBK can run smoothly as expected, the organizing team or committee and participants are healthy, fine and safe, "said Noer Hadijanto, the Assessment Coordinator of the Covid-19 Task Force who is in charge of monitoring the location on the Unesa-Lidah Wetan campus.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unesa, explained that UTBK Unesa accommodates 15,400 registrants. Therefore, the process must really be considered. As for some UTBK procedures in Unesa, participants are required to wear masks.
Second, from the side of the room the capacity is filled 50 percent of normal capacity. If usually the room can be filled with 50 participants, then at UTBK it is only filled with 20 participants. The room must have adequate ventilation and air circulation. The seating distance for participants is set from one to one and a half meters.
Third, Unesa provides a hand washing place and hand sanitizer in each exam room. Then provide location maps and participant arrangement schemes to avoid crowds and create a one-way system route to direct participants.
In addition, it also provides an air purifier to purify the air in each room and clean the room using a disinfectant before the test session is held. There is also a thermogun to check the temperature of the participants and committee before the exam. Fourth, Unesa provides a place or waiting room for participants to wait for the exam session schedule. The room can also be used by participants while waiting for the room sterilization.
"For participants, it is prohibited to bring food or drinks, because it has the potential to open masks. It is better if the participants have breakfast first at their respective residences before leaving for the exam location, "said Bambang. "Apart from paying attention to the health program, participants also need to maintain their health and prepare themselves as well as possible so that the exam results will be as expected," he said. (Yud / Zam)
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