Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The first batch of Computer-Based Writing Exams (UTBK) which began on May 17, 2022, ended on Monday, May 23, 2022. Based on the evaluation of the UNESA Admissions Unit, during the implementation of the UTBK at UNESA, there were several incidents that participants could smile and frown on. Starting from participants who are late to the wrong date.
1. Late, Exam Cancel
Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., explained that in the first session there was one participant from Bojonegoro who was late beyond the allotted time and was forced to not be able to take the exam. The participants stayed at one of the inns in the Gubeng area. The reason for being late was because in the morning he felt unwell.
The participant, who was not named, left his inn in the Gubeng area at around 06.30 and arrived at the exam location at around 07.28, while the deadline for being late was at 07.15. "The tolerance for lateness for participants is 30 minutes. It is counted from 06.45 to 07.15. According to the provisions from the center, participants who are late for more than the tolerance time cannot take the exam," said Sukarmin.
In that case, participants in the next session and batch must arrive early at the exam location. Make sure the location of the exam is on which campus, know the distance traveled and determine transportation to the location. "Although the test is at UNESA, the location of the exam is not close. The distance between the Ketintang and Lidah Wetan campuses is quite far, as well as the exam locations at partner campuses," he ordered.

2. Wrong Date
In addition, there were also participants who came to the exam on the wrong date. The participant who will take the Science and Technology group test should take the test in the 9th session (morning session), Saturday, May 21, 2022. However, he instead came to take the test on Sunday, May 22, 2022. This happened because the participant mistakenly saw the schedule or not Re-check the test date listed on the test taker's card.
For the next batch of participants, it is advised to pay close attention to the exam schedule, when, at which campus and at what session. That's important, because if you get it wrong, you risk failing to take the exam.
3. Sandals and T-shirts
The final session of the UTBK UNESA committee at the Engineering Faculty Building yesterday was surprised by the presence of participants who did not wear shoes or wear sandals. The committee then asked where are the shoes? Participants reasoned that they did not know that the test was wearing shoes. The committee asked again, did you not bring the previous regulations? Participants answered forgot and did not have time.
Then there were also participants who came wearing shoes but wearing T-shirts. Participants reasoned almost the same. Because the exam had not yet started, the participants looked for or borrowed shoes and shirts from other students and were finally able to take the exam. If you take the test, pay close attention to the terms and conditions. Moreover, this is a national test held by the center, you can't just come without wearing shoes and T-shirts," said the FMIPA lecturer.
In addition to the three incidents, participants were also found to have fallen asleep during the exam. Regarding the level of attendance, the number of participants who took the test was 13,788 people. While those who did not attend were 1,017 participants. The attendance rate of the first batch of UTBK participants at UNESA is around 93.1 percent.
Sukarmin warned the participants of the next session to pay close attention to the terms and conditions of the exam. Not only documents but also how to dress. Then confirm the location, time and session of the exam. In addition, you must arrive early, 1 hour before the test starts. “Once again, pay close attention to the provisions. Don't forget to study hard. Hopefully, the participants' efforts and prayers will meet their expectations and be accepted at the destination campus," said Sukarmin. [UNESA PR]
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