Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Student Association of Out of School Education Department, UNESA held a National Seminar entitled "Digitalization of Education Answering the Polemic of Learning Transformation" on Saturday (25/09/2021). As a presenter, present Prof. Dr. MW. Roesminingsih, M. Pd., as Chair of the East Java Province SM Accreditation Board, Cici Esti Nalurani, M.M., CEC., CHt. As Young Entrepreneur Mentor, and Drs. Lukman Hakim Firdausy, as the Founder of the Dolanan School.
The event was opened by the Head of UNESA's Out of School Education (PLS) Department, Wiwin Yulia Ningsih, S. Pd., M. Pd. He said that the theme raised was interesting and relevant to the current conditions and challenges in providing education. “From here we can describe the challenges and project steps and solutions in the future. I hope that this event will be successful and bring benefits,” he said.
On that occasion, Prof. Roesminingsih, first explained about the 21st century. According to him, the digital era has broken conventional perspectives and work systems into super and all-digital. All dealing with information technology and digital in various lines. As long as the smartphone is in hand, everything becomes easy.
The chairman of the UNESA PSDM Commission also explained that there are 4 things that can radically change the future of mankind, namely, 1) disruption or job change, 2) artificial intelligence (AI), 3) internet of things (IoT), and 4 ) big data. In addition to its convenience, technology can also have a negative impact on life. Like many jobs that are starting to be replaced by robots. This has an impact on unemployment and poverty. “In order not to be crushed by the times, we must adapt, be tough, creative, and innovative. Don't be passive," he said.
In addition, technology can be very scary if not used wisely. Just by clicking and spreading information that is not true, you can end up in a detention house, can sacrifice other people and even make victims. The woman who is also the Director of the UNESA Labschool School Management Agency added that the use of ICT for learning is increasingly being used today. Both teachers and students or students must have literacy skills, especially those related to technology or digital literacy. In order to understand how to use, utilize and even produce something from the technology.
Meanwhile, Cici Esti Nalurani explained that although technology is increasingly sophisticated, it cannot replace the role of humans, especially in the world of education. Technology in education must be realized in the form of media innovations that facilitate the learning and learning process. The CEO of Think Indonesia and Founder of the NGD Program added that a good learning media is able to stimulate the thoughts, feelings, interests and attention of students so that there is a process of interaction and communication between teachers and students and students with students.
Lukman Hakim Firdausy explained that digitalization of education is an effort to support the virtual teaching and learning process without compromising the essence of delivering learning materials. In the transformation of education, there are four improvement efforts that must be made; 1) improvement of infrastructure and technology, 2) improvement of policy procedures, 3) improvement of leadership, society and culture, 4) improvement of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. "Those changes occur, teachers must be ready to adapt and continue to develop themselves," he said. (Adi/zam).
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