Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA�Registration for the 2024 National Achievement Based Selection (SNBP) is open on 14-28 February 2024. For participants who If you want to register, you must really pay attention to and follow the SNBP provisions.
Apart from that, you also need to pay attention to several important things that determine graduation, including those related to the report card grades that have been submitted to Dapodik. Next, regarding the certificate of achievement or skills that participants upload when registering.
Make sure that the certificate uploaded is the best. What is the best certificate like? First, if it is a competition, the certificate as a winner or champion is higher than the certificate as an ordinary participant.
Second, the level, whether international, national, provincial or at least district. Choose the highest certificate. Third, adjust the certificate to the study program (prodi) chosen. For example, participants who choose the study program Visual Communication Design (DKV) for example, can upload a certificate of achievement in a national or at least district level design competition.
< p>Apart from that, participants also need a strategy for choosing study programs. Choose a study program that suits your interests. Of course, there are several study programs that suit participants' interests, so choose one that suits your abilities from the list of study programs you are interested in. For participants who choose arts and sports study programs, they must include their best portfolio.
For participants who have good academic achievements (report cards) and good achievement certificates, they will be confident to compete in their favorite study programs. Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes., at the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE) some time ago mentioned a list of UNESA's favorite study programs in SNBP 2023, as follows:
- S-1 Management
- S-1 Psychology
- Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD)
- S-1 Accounting
- S-1 Communication Science
- S-1 Law Science
- S-1 Nutrition
- S- 1 Informatics Engineering
- S-1 Digital Business
- S-1 Educational Psychology and Guidance
Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) adding, in last year's SNBP, UNESA was in 11th place nationally as the campus with the most applicants. In other words, UNESA is one of the favorite universities in Indonesia. Regarding the choice of study program, if you look at the 2023 SNBP registrant level, there are several study programs at UNESA that have the opportunity for participants to be selected for the 2024 SNBP:
- S-1 Sports Management
- S-1 German Literature
- S-1 Musical Arts
- S-1 Fine Arts
- S-1 Physics
- S-1 Building Engineering Education
- S-1 Electrical Engineering Education
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- Bachelor of German Language Education
- S-1 Chinese Language Education
- S-1 Engineering Education Machine.[]
Reporter: Sindy Riska/Fatima Najmus Shofa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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