Unesa.ac.id SURABAYA�As an integrity zone institution, the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH) Surabaya State University (UNESA) is aggressively creating an area free from corruption (WBK) as well as a clean and serving bureaucratic area (WBBM).
Through an integrity zone that is in line with commitments namely professional, adaptive, synergistic, trustworthy, innovative and serving honestly, FISH carries out transformation in a better direction and strengthens existing programs.
FISH which will soon become the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) achieved brilliant achievements in the Integrity Zone Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) by the Work Unit Assessment Team of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) on Wednesday, February 21 2024.
The Monev which took place at the FISH Campus 1 Ketintang Auditorium was attended by the Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Team of the Directorate General of Education and Technology, Yayat Hendayana, S.S., M. Si., and his team. Also present was the Deputy Chancellor for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., and his staff.

Dean of FISH, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M. Pd, who was accompanied by the integrity zone team and the deputy deans and study program coordinators, expressed his pride in the work achievements of the integrity zone team, because FISH succeeded in exceeding the set target, with an achievement percentage of more than 91%.
This achievement is the result of hard efforts in implementing 6 areas of integrity zone change. The six areas involve Change Management, Management Arrangement, Management System Arrangement, Strengthening Accountability, Strengthening Supervision, and Improving the Quality of Public Services.
The Dean continued, the development process was carried out evenly in all areas. However, the area six integrity zone is the most superior. "Actually, all areas from 1 to 6 are almost even in terms of development. It's just that the measurements from external assessors are sometimes not the same. But what can be seen in the innovation section is area 6," he said.
In area six it is about improvement There are a number of innovations in the quality of public services, including SIDILAN or the Service Digitalization Information System which can be easily accessed by the academic community. Other development programs, such as Service Tracking, E-library, and E-counseling, also support digital transformation.
FISH also built an Integrated Service Unit (ULT) with a new design and more comfortable facilities. Co-working space was also introduced with the aim of increasing opportunities for students to socialize and study in a more conducive, productive and motivated atmosphere.
After presenting the work achievements of the FISH Integrity Zone team, the Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology appreciated FISH's efforts and provide several suggestions for the future. The event continued with a tour of the building to witness firsthand the implementation that had been presented during the Monev.
The superior program, such as the waste bank, received positive appreciation from the Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology team as a successful step in implementing the eco-campus concept. The waste bank is one of the programs that makes the eco-campus a success.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Team of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Kusuma, said that the superior facility, namely the Integrated Service Unit (ULT), needs to have a monitor in the room to display and educate the academic community regarding services. which can be accessed online.

The Dean of FISH said, in building an integrity zone there are certainly challenges such as awareness of the essence of the integrity zone itself which has an impact on improving the quality of performance and services.
� The challenge is precisely how to implement the value of integrity, how to change the mindset of the academic community. What's difficult is actually internalization. "Especially for students who have not yet internalized it as a whole," said the man who is familiarly called Bambang Sigit.
He hopes that the implementation and construction of this integrity zone will be able to change the mindset of 'faculty residents' so that they do not apply the values ��of the integrity zone. just as a formality.
FISH still holds the WBBM title, so it is currently pursuing the WBK title in the hope of passing and being accepted by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB).
"Hopefully the Kemenpan Regional Government can pass and get the WBK title, because in the meantime we still qualify at the Directorate General of Diktiristek," he said optimistically.
The team of the Directorate General of Diktiristek, Kusuma also expressed his hope that the implementation of the integrity zone would not just be to get grades, but 'faculty residents' can feel the impact. "The most important thing is how to implement this development, it is truly visible, not only because it gets value, but it is internalized," he said.
Through the tagline #PastiMelaju, the construction of the UNESA FISH integrity zone is carried out with the spirit of providing the best service by involving fundamental values ��of ethics, honesty and transparency in the provision of education in the campus environment.[]
Reporter: Prismacintya Rachmatica
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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