Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-For participants who have not been accepted at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) in the previous courses, do not be discouraged, because there is still an opportunity to become a UNESA student this year. The 'One Step Ahead' Campus opens registration for the Regular SPMB Independent Path starting yesterday, July 25-29 2022.
"This regular route is indeed to provide opportunities for participants who have not been accepted on the previous route or participants who experience problems, for example being late in completing registration," said Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit at the Lidah Wetan Campus, Tuesday, July 26, 2022.
Sukarmin added that the regular SPMB independent pathway includes the Computer-Based UNESA Entrance Test (TMUBK) for undergraduates (S-1) and applied scholars (D-4). The implementation of the test is indeed computer-based online. "Later, participants do not need to come to campus, the test can be done at their respective homes," he said.
The material being tested is the ability of academic potential (TKPA) and science and technology or soshum. The conditions for this route are as follows;
- Indonesian citizens;
- High school / MA / SMK / equivalent graduates in 2020, 2021 or 2022 as evidenced by a diploma or certificate of graduation for graduates in 2022.
- Participants can choose two study programs
- Participants who choose sports and arts study programs and do not yet have a portfolio value from the LTMPT, must upload a portfolio document.
Further information on the registration of the UNESA Regular SPMB can be through the UNESA sipenmaru page, https://sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id. For information related to majors or study programs, you can visit the https://admisi.unesa.ac.id page. During registration, participants pay through a BTN virtual account. If you choose one study program, you will pay Rp. 300 thousand and Rp. 400 thousand for two study programs.
Jalur SPMB Beasiswa Kaltim
In addition to the Regular SPMB route, UNESA is also still opening registration for the UNESA SPMB East Kalimantan Scholarship for the S-1 Special Education Study Program (PLB). Registration is open 25-29 July 2022. The test will be held on 31 July 2022. Participant registration requirements;
- This route is intended for participants who have an East Kalimantan Identity Card (KTP).
- Is a graduate of SMA/MA/SMK/Package C or the equivalent batch of 2020, 2021 and 2022 as evidenced by a diploma or certificate of graduation for graduates in 2022.
- Participants will go through a computer-based written exam with test materials; academic and social potential.
- Participants can only choose the S-1 Extraordinary Education (PLB) study program
- The selection or test will be carried out online or online.
Participants who qualify for this scholarship are free from institutional development contributions (SPI), single tuition fees (UKT) and receive pocket money for 8 semesters or four years. "This collaborative scholarship is a collaboration between UNESA and the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Provincial Education and Culture Office," explained Sukarmin. [UNESA PR]
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