Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–Surabaya State University, Analitica.id and JTV held a Golden Ticket socialization in the Live QnA Golden Ticket program on JTV on Tuesday (27/04/2021). The activity was also broadcast live on Instagram.
As a resource person, from Unesa attended Vinda Maya, S.Sos., M.A., as the Head of the Unesa Public Relations Unit and from JTV namely Kusmarstyadi Ponco as JTV Producer and Fidelia Putri Avidori from Analitica as moderator.
A similar UTBK Golden Ticket Tryout event was previously held in collaboration with Universitas Airlangga. Fidelia explained that for the golden ticket, Unesa did not only provide rewards for being able to enter Unesa but there was also a one-year educational scholarship.
"The reward is not only the entrance ticket for Unesa, but there is one year free UKT and a 50% discount on SPI fees, although the prizes are many, this event is free and applies to the best 3," he said.
Kusmarstyadi Ponco as JTV Producer also explained that the announcement of the UTBK Golden Ticket Unesa Tryout results would be announced in the 5th segment of the Sinau Nang Omah program on JTV. "So in the afternoon or evening after the tryout, anyone can rank the best score in the top 3, then submitted by Unesa, Tuesday afternoon it will be announced in the Sinau Nang Omah program," concluded Ponco.
Meanwhile, Head of Unesa's Public Relations Unit Vinda Maya S., S.Sos., M.A explained that the golden ticket scoring system is the same as UTBK as seen from the TPA and TPS scores.
In addition, he also explained that the determination of UKT and admission fees is related to the golden ticket, later there will be a selection of administrative files for administrative checks. Then it is seen from the work of the parents who will be given weight to determine the amount of UKT.
"For the golden ticket winners, there will be free SPP or UKT for one year or two semesters plus there will be a SPI discount. Because this is an independent route, there will be a 50% discount for the participants which study program they enter, ”he explained.
Vinda also added that for the 3 winners there was a division of soshum or scientific groups, the details were 2 for Soshum 1 Saintek. "So it will be seen from the participants who take the top 2 soshum, whose score is who and which study program was chosen, and which 1 scientific study program was chosen, there are no restrictions on cross-department IPC, but we always recommend linear, for Science and Technology, Social Studies," he said
Vinda emphasized that this tryout could also be followed by participants with disabilities. "Unesa is a campus that has declared a disability-friendly campus, so children with special needs have the same rights for selection in Unesa which opens opportunities for various study programs, and we also have dozens of students in various study programs with disabilities," he said.
“This Golden Ticket Trayout is the first for Unesa. This program is one of our efforts (Unesa, red) to provide opportunities for children with abilities and achievements to join Unesa, "he explained. (QQ / zam)
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