Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Surabaya State University (UNESA) opens an independent pathway or New Student Admission Selection (SPMB) for the Bachelor and Vocational program for the 2021/2022 academic year. There are 7 faculties and 64 undergraduate (S-1) study programs as well as 10 applied undergraduate programs that participants can choose from at Unesa. While the entry routes prepared by Unesa this year, there are 10 entry routes that can be used.
Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs of Unesa, Prof., Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd, explained that in general there are two SPMB Unesa routes, the non-test route and the test route. The non-test route, namely; there is a national UTBK pathway, religious achievements, sports achievements, artistic achievements, leadership, and disabilities. In addition, there are also overseas scholarship pathways (LN) and cooperation between the City Government / District / Prov. Meanwhile, for the test route, there is the TMUBK pathway and the D4 / applied bachelor pathway.
1. The UTBK non-test route
For participants who have followed and obtained UTBK scores in 2021, but have not been accepted into the SBMPTN route, they can register for this route using the UTBK scores. As for the conditions, (1) Indonesian citizens, (2) graduated from SMA / MA / SMK / equivalent in 2021 as evidenced by a diploma or certificate of graduation, (3) participants may choose two study programs, both the Science and Social Sciences group.
2. Religious Achievement Path
Unesa also provides opportunities for the best and accomplished children in the religious field through the path of religious achievement. The religious achievements in question are:
Achievements of Islamic Religion which include (1) the Islamic boarding school (2) the Tahfidz route, and (3) the MTQ pathway.
Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, or Confucian religious achievements given to participants who have achievements in their respective religious fields as evidenced by a certificate or certificate of recommendation from a religious organization
3. Sports Achievement Track
Prospective students who have achievements in sports, either 1st, 2nd or 3rd place at the regency / city / province / national / international level can try in the sports achievement path. This path is divided into two categories, namely there are those who are free to choose study programs and specifically the Sports Coaching Education (PKO) study program.
4. Art Achievement Path
Not to forget, the best and outstanding boys or girls or 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in the arts at the provincial / national / international level have also prepared a special route by Unesa through this route.
5. Leadership Achievement Pathways for high school / vocational / MA / packet C graduates or equivalent and have a decree or OSIS certificate as the head / vice / secretary of the school principal which is strengthened by a letter or other leadership certificate, you can try this one route.
6. Disability Pathway Unesa's commitment to being a disability-friendly campus has been consistently proven through the opening of this special route. "We have specially prepared this route for participants with disabilities who want to join Unesa and will seek to receive scholarships," said Bambang.
7. TMUBK Path In addition to the non-test route above, prospective students can also register and take the Computer-Based Unesa Entrance Test (TMUBK). The test materials are Academic Potential Ability Test (TKPA), Psychological Test, and Science or Social Sciences.
8. Path D4 / Applied Bachelor For those who are interested in 10 Applied Bachelor programs at Unesa, you can use this one route. The conditions are the same as the other route requirements. "Only later, after registering, there will be an entrance test prepared by Unesa itself," said Bambang.
9. Cooperation route with municipal / regency / provincial governments. For the cooperation pathway, it is aimed at prospective students who come from the City Government and the Regency or Province who have signed the MoU with Unesa.
10. Temporary Overseas Scholarship Pathway for the Overseas scholarship path (LN), which is specifically for participants or prospective students who come from countries that have signed an MoU with Unesa in various programs. Prospective students receive UKT-free scholarships and boarding fees.
SPMB Registration Schedule
The quota for the Unesa independent route this year is 30 percent of the total capacity. Meanwhile, for registration, the UTBK non-test route is open from 14-18 June 2021. Then the achievement path is opened from 14-25 June 2021. Then for the Disability, TMUBK, and cooperation pathways are opened from 21 June-6 July 2021. In addition, the first wave of applied undergraduate pathways opens June 21-July 6 2021 and the second wave opens July 21-27 July 2021.
The terms and conditions and further explanation can be accessed on OFFICIAL UNESA social media or www.admisi.unesa.ac.id. "Prospective students can use these routes. The most important thing is from now on starting to prepare yourself and all the required documents, "concluded Prof. Bambang. (Public Relations of Unesa)
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