Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – In order to assist the government in preventing the spread of Covid-19 in the community, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) involves thousands of students becoming Ambassadors of Behavior Change. The ambassador is a program of the Task Force handling Covid-19 (PC19 Task Force) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and The Ministry of Health.
The number of Ambassadors driving behavior change from Unesa is 7,868 students, and that is the largest number of campus envoy ambassadors in Indonesia. While other universities such as Padang State University and IPDN sent 2,116 students and 1,020 students, respectively.
For the involvement of the most students as ambassadors, Dr. Sonny Harry B Harmadi, Head of Behavioral Change Task Force handling Covid-19 expressed his gratitude to Unesa and to the Rector of Unesa who has responded enthusiastically and helped the government in fighting Covid-19 in the community.
The task of the ambassadors is to map the problems of the application of health protocols and the needs of the community. Then educate the public to be disciplined to wear masks, keep distance, and wash their hands (3M). In addition, being an example for the community in the application of 3M, monitoring changes in community behavior, and monitoring the development of community behavior, especially in the application of 3M. "The activities of the ambassadors utilize applications related to what activities are carried out, what education is provided, and how the implementation of 3M," said Sonny.
The involvement of being an ambassador can be convened as a substitute for kkn, pancasila courses and PKn. Responding to the program, Rector Unesa, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. directly invited all students to get involved. His appeal is either directly or indirectly via a special solicitation video.
According to Nurhasan, fighting the Covid-19 pandemic must be disciplined behavior. Both discipline in a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) and in the application of strict prokes (3M). Changing people's behavior is quite challenging. It takes a structured, massive effort, and initiative. In addition, it also needs examples from young people, and students.
"As a manifestation of Unesa's spirit one step forward, let's contribute, contribute, stretch out arms, reach out as ambassadors of the Movement for Behavior Change to break the chain of spread of Covid-19 in the community," he said. "Hopefully people will soon be free from pandemics, and Indonesia can recover as soon as possible," he hoped. (Yam / Public Relations Unesa)
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