Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The ranks of the Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya (FIP UNESA) discussed Planning and Faculty Development in order to support UNESA towards PTN-BH on January 25-26, 2022 at Luminor Hotel, Sidoarjo. The activity, which was held in the form of a group discussion forum (FGD) and leadership directions, was attended by the vice chancellors, heads of departments and study programs.
One of the things discussed in the activity was the plan to develop the Psychology Department into a separate faculty. Dean of FIP Dr. M. Nursalim, M.Pd., stated that the development of the Department of Psychology into the Faculty of Psychology could accommodate the needs of the wider community.
Currently, FIP is preparing a strategic plan for the future and sorting out which study programs are still under the Faculty of Education and which are under the Faculty of Psychology. "In the future, we will focus on developing and fulfilling the requirements for establishing a psychology faculty while improving its quality," said Nursalim.
"This development is a FIP step in welcoming Unesa to PTN BH. We hope that in the future UNESA can become a campus one step ahead with the core value of HANDAL; harmonious, trustworthy, nationalist, disciplined, adaptive, loyal," he said again.
He added that the efforts to develop the faculty were based on several needs, namely; a) the need for industrial revolution 5.0, b) the Covid-19 pandemic which demands to be adaptive, c) quality improvement from year to year must be better, d) increasing the capacity of students in Magetan, e) increasing income generating departments and faculties as a forum for learning.
Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd stated that the transfer of status to PTN BH must indeed be accompanied by several adjustments and quality improvements from all aspects, human resources, infrastructure and capacity. “We are optimizing assets, including computer assets from 500 to 1,200. To prepare for new student admissions and learning at FIP," he said.
Then, the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T also gave directions. He stated that the preparation of various plans for the development of PTN BH must be really thorough, if there are gaps that are not good, it must be immediately changed thoroughly. "We must involve PTN BH not only in terms of status, but also in the transformation of work that is better, better and more accomplished," he said.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes explained, FIP must be able to unite determination and clear hearts and have a strong commitment to work together and work together to bring UNESA to become an advanced and superior campus for Indonesia to grow. Therefore, it is necessary to develop human resources in a sustainable manner.
Then, the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd emphasized that the KPI is very important and becomes UNESA's reference in going to PTN BH. Every point that exists must really be maximized as a FIP preparation step. The briefing event was followed by a strategic planning focus group discussion (renop) of faculties and eight majors namely, PGSD, Psychology, Education Technology Curriculum, Extracurricular Education, Education Management, PG-PAUD, Guidance and Counseling, Extraordinary Education.
Reporter: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam*
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