Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The number of applicants for the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) for the SNMPTN route this year has increased significantly. Based on LTMPT data, there were 30,389 applicants who chose UNESA as the destination campus. This is much different from the previous year which amounted to 24,091 registrants.
Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit, Dr. Sukarmin, M.P.d., said that the increasing number of registrants showed the increasing interest of the public or young people to study in higher education on the one hand and intensive socialization and promotion on the other. He added that the increase in the number of registrants had an impact on the level of competition in each study program. The study programs with the highest interest in the SNMPTN pathway at UNESA are;
- S-1 Management Study Program
- S-1 Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program
- Psychology S-1 Study Program
- Nutritional Undergraduate Study Program
- S-1 Communication Science Study Program
- S-1 Legal Studies Study Program
- S-1 Accounting Study Program
- S-1 Public Administration Study Program
- Digital Business S-1 Study Program
- Office Administration Education S-1 Study Program
“The Management S-1 Study Program is the major registrant for SNMPTN with 2,164 participants, followed by the S-1 Elementary School Teacher Education study program with 1,410 participants and the Psychology S-1 study program with 1,366 participants. Although the number has increased, this year UNESA has also increased the capacity for all routes," explained Sukarmin.
The addition of the quota for new student admissions this year is intended to provide broad opportunities for the best sons and daughters of the country to continue their education in higher education. “We can see that the enthusiasm of young people to go to college is increasing. Lectures are indeed in addition to learning needs, competence is also a demand of the times," he explained. [UNESA PR]
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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