Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a socialization of the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) on Friday, February 11, 2022. IISMA is a scholarship scheme program for the Indonesian government for student mobility at leading universities abroad.
Through the program, undergraduate students can spend a semester at a partner university abroad to study, experience the culture of the host country and undertake practical tasks to hone their skills.
The socialization was opened by Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs UNESA. On that occasion he shared his experience when he met a group of Indonesian students who were undergoing the program at the Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology, Tulsa, United States.
“I asked questions and they expressed their happiness for all the opportunities that have been given through the student exchange program. I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge," he said.
He hopes that UNESA students will be able to use the experience as their own motivation to be more serious in participating in the student exchange program, especially IISMA. The program is a fierce competition to win lectures at approximately 50 well-known universities around the world.
"When he was successfully accepted at one of the foreign universities, he advised students to maximize their potential and learn from the thoughts of students from all over the world for the realization of a superior and quality mindset," he said.
Junaidi, SS, MA, Deputy Chair of the Independent Campus Project Management Office, Kemendikbudristek said that the IISMA program was funded by the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) which in 2021 had succeeded in sending around 950 students throughout Indonesia to 73 universities spread over 30 countries around the world.
For those who are interested in the program, it is necessary to pay attention to the following terms and conditions: 1) active students in semesters four to six, 2) Indonesian citizens, 3) minimum IELTS score (6.0)/TOEFL IBT (78)/DUOLINGO (100), 4) nominated by home university, 4) minimum GPA 3.0 or even more than 4.0.
In addition, students who pass and will go to the destination campus are not allowed to attend lectures from the home campus, because the workload of the two campuses which incidentally are different countries will affect the physical and mental conditions of the students themselves.
There are so many reasons to join the student exchange program, a) get credit recognition of 20 credits, b) get courses according to student interests, c) have the opportunity to study at well-known universities, d) gain new experiences, e) establish international relations, f) develop competencies for the future.
Not only that, there are also awards that will be obtained by students who pass the selection from the IISMA program. Among them, 1) getting an educational scholarship 2) an apartment and living allowance, 3) funding for emergency situations, 4) flights with economy class and available visas, 5) PCR tests and quarantine for those who have COVID-19 symptoms, as well as insurance. health. [UNESA PR]
Author: Saputra
Editor: @zam*
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