Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a Sharing Session on the Independent Learning Policy for the Independent Campus (MBKM) with the Director General of Higher Education Kemendikbudristek RI at the Independent Learning Laboratory of Unesa, Lidah Wetan Campus on Saturday (19/06/2021).
Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng, Director General of Higher Education Kemendikbudristek RI on that occasion said that the MBKM concept is here to answer the demands of the industrial revolution 4.0 which was followed by rapid changes in all fields, be it technology, social , culture, economy and the world of work.
He continued, from its history, the industrial revolution began with the invention of the steam engine by James Watt in 1776. This discovery changed history, the production system that previously relied on muscle was then switched to steam power so that it was more effective and efficient.
Then changes continue to roll, new discoveries continue to come with all their innovations until they reach the fourth stage (industrial revolution 4.0) where technology dominates all aspects of life. "If the previous revolution only occurred in the production section or upstream, then this 4.0 revolution occurs in all aspects of our lives," he said.
Without realizing it, now technology dominates. Technology creates a giant economic system based on big data that can connect consumers and producers. Every change creates opportunities, but there are also challenges.
In order to answer the challenges of increasingly rapid change, he continued, the keys are adaptation, connection, collaboration, and innovation. In addition, the nation's generation also needs to be prepared to be able to stay ahead, as the holder of control and become a key player in this century. "All of this is realized through the Merdeka Learning program at the Merdeka Campus," he said.
"The essence of MBKM is none other than providing space for our children to become true learners, they can learn and develop all their potentials and competencies wherever they are and at any time so that they have skills according to the demands of this century," he concluded.
In addition to being a speaker at the Sharing Session, the Director General of Higher Education also witnessed the signing of the MoU between UNESA and 21 institutions consisting of educational, industrial and work institutions (IDUKA). UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes said that the MoU with IDUKA is UNESA's commitment to collaborate and share and grow together as one of the goals in MBKM.
He emphasized that UNESA appreciates the MBKM policy and will continue to oversee its implementation in the field to realize superior and advanced Indonesian human resources. The form of this commitment is to establish synergies with many domestic and foreign institutions and industries, restructure the curriculum, strengthen student internships, increase lecturer competence, and invite guest lecturers. In addition, they formed the MBKM unit, and pioneered the Independent Learning Lab. "All of this is to support the implementation of MBKM at UNESA," he said. (Hasna)
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