Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - In order to ensure the safety and health of the Unesa academic community, the Unesa Mitigation and Crisis Center Unit (SMCC) held an emergency first aid training activity with the theme "Improving the Capacity of the Unesa K3 Team". This activity was held on Tuesday (31/8) at the 11th floor of the Unesa rectorate building. This activity itself is intended for 40 lecturers and staff from all units around Unesa, 30 of whom have been certified K3 (Occupational Safety and Health) from BNSP from each unit and faculty at Unesa.
Wiryo Nuryono, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the chief executive of the activity admitted that this activity was aimed at improving the skill quality of the K3 team. In this training activity, there were two presenters who provided material related to first aid, namely dr. Endang Sri Wahjuni, M.Kes. and dr. Ananda Bakti Officer, M.Kes. Through this activity, they are trained to be better at handling injured victims, shortness of breath, fainting, evacuation of natural disasters and other emergency conditions.
Endang Sri Wahjuni explained that in carrying out first aid measures, there are several things that must be considered, including the points of first aid (first aid in an accident), don't panic, pay attention to breathing, stop bleeding, pay attention to signs of shock, and don't move the victim in a hurry. "The purpose of first aid is to prevent death and stop the pain in the victim," he explained.
In addition to providing material, in this training the participants also did hands-on practice to deal with victims. "In the future they are also expected to be able to provide education about first aid and help with first aid in an emergency, if things happen that are not desirable," said Wiryo.
On this occasion, Wiryo also revealed that there is a plan for similar activities to be held at the end of September or early October 2021 by discussing fire suppression. In addition, the plan is also to send 10 members of the K3 team to carry out the BNSP K3 certification.
The event continued with the certificate handover ceremony, which was attended by Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T. as vice chancellor for general and finance. On this occasion, he revealed that the implementation of K3 itself is one of a series of Unesa programs in international accreditation. He also encouraged the participants to seek certification from other institutions as a means to increase knowledge and complement. “The more knowledge, the more information we can get. Then we do it, hopefully it will be an even better formula,” said Suprapto. (has/vin)
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