Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-SMCC UNESA in collaboration with the Surabaya City Fire Department held a Fire Emergency Response Training at the Srikandi Building, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, State University of Surabaya, Ketintang Campus on Monday, October 25, 2021. The training participants were lecturers and education staff around UNESA Ketintang Campus.
Purwo Nugroho, ST., Coordinator of the Surabaya City Earthquake and Fire Fire Simulation said that in general disasters such as earthquakes, floods and landslides cannot be avoided, but can be anticipated to minimize damage and loss of life. Good anticipation is born from understanding and skills that are trained regularly.
Disasters can be caused by natural factors as well as human factors. In the case of a fire, it is usually due to the ignorance and negligence of humans, both in electrical installations, electronic furniture, installation and use of gas stoves and can also be caused by littering of cigarette butts.
How to anticipate fires? Perform maintenance on electrical installations and all electronic devices regularly. Its function in addition to avoiding the occurrence of electric short circuit also extends the life of these items. Provide all devices or simple extinguishers in each building such as a light fire extinguisher (APAR) and so on.
Next is to create a gathering point and an evacuation route. Evacuation points and routes must not hinder the emergency rescue process such as not obstructing the evaluation team and car. Then the fire extinguisher must be in every room or building corridor. "APAR is not only stored, but maintenance is carried out and the contents of the tube are refilled regularly," he said.
If there is a fire, what is done is not panic. However, you must remain calm and save yourself to the gathering point via the evacuation route. Then immediately call 112. Or if the pin is still small and it is possible to do self-extinguishing. So the first thing to do is to identify the point then take the APAR and immediately put out the fire. "It seems that putting out fires is easy, but it will be difficult if you don't train and get used to it," he said.
The training was packaged in the form of material presentation in the room and continued with fire fighting practice using fire extinguishers and gunny sacks in front of the room. The participants each practice how to use a fire extinguisher and put out a fire. On that occasion, the Head of the UNESA SMCC Mitigation and Disaster Division, Wiryo Nuryono, S.Pd., M.Pd and his staff, attended.
Meanwhile, from the Surabaya City Fire Department, Purwo Nugroho was accompanied by M. Sa'atun, Imam Choiron, Bayu Ihwan Fadly, Kukuh Bagus Pribadi and Ayu Sulistyowati. In addition to UNESA FISH, the same training was also held earlier, on Friday, October 22, 2021, at the FBS T14 Auditorium, 4th Floor UNESA, Lidah Wetan Campus. [UNESA PR]
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