Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Trauma healing is gradually being carried out by the Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) to restore the mental condition of the students and teachers of SMP Labschool Unesa 2 Surabaya who were involved in the accident in Tabanan, Bali, last June.
The trauma healing entered its final stage on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. In this phase, the SMCC team focused on building resilience or strengthening individual abilities to recover from stressful situations and being able to adapt and survive these conditions.
Head of the Disaster Mitigation Division, Aghus Sifaq, S.Or., M.Pd., said that the counseling journey for students and teachers was indeed carried out in stages. The first counseling was conducted on June 21, 2022 which focused on individual, group and parent counseling.
The second counseling will be held on June 24, 2022 and the third will be on June 27, 2022. The two stages are follow-up counseling 1 and follow-up 2. Then the fourth stage of counseling was conducted yesterday, Tuesday, July 19, 2022. The activities are in the form of fun sports. "Today is the last counseling or resilience stage," he said.
The fun sport activities took place in the courtyard of the UNESA 2 Surabaya Labschool Middle School, Jalan Raya Unesa Campus, Ketintang which was handled directly by the SMCC disaster division. This activity involved three volunteers from UNESA students themselves.
This fun sport includes switching star games, tree and squirrel, moving ball, and chain walking. “This game aims to provide students with fitness, relieve trauma during the accident tragedy in Bali, train patience, and can train students' focus or concentration. "Training this focus is useful when students face lessons in class," said Aghus.
Then for resilience activities involving all levels of SMCC, even the Chairman of the SMCC, Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Sc. According to him, from the various stages of trauma healing carried out by students, teachers and even parents, they have recovered and are able to study or study as usual.

“UNESA has its own procedures in terms of handling trauma healing. Each stage has its own activity and has its own purpose. Can't be random. Playing, for example, is not just playing, but there are ways and approaches. Not only accidents, even disasters, all of which have procedures for handling them through their respective teams," he explained.
Ardhiyanti Lintang, a BK teacher hopes that after receiving treatment from SMCC, students can have fun, refresh their brains and return to their usual activities without being overshadowed by the tragedy of the accident. [UNESA PR]
Author: Fionna Ayu Shabrina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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