Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Reported by the Korlantas Polri page, throughout 2021, there will be around 183 accidents in 27 regional police areas throughout Indonesia. This figure is mostly contributed by the East Java Regional Police with 62 incidents or 34 percent of the total recorded accidents. Then data as of April 8, 2022, East Java is still the highest with 68 incidents.
In order to reduce the number of accidents, several parties must take part. For this reason, PT Jasa Raharja signed a memorandum of understanding with the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) in the Meeting Room, Eighth Floor, Lidah Wetan Campus Rectorate Building, Surabaya on Friday (8/4/2022). One of the goals of this collaboration is to conduct a safety campaign.
UNESA Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes said that UNESA is ready to work together to do many things, including a safety campaign to reduce the number of accidents. According to him, accident cases must involve many stakeholders. "This is our collective duty, generations must be invited to be aware of the importance of driving safety with safety riding movements, safety campaigns and other movements," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Institutional Relations of PT. Jasa Raharja, Munadi Herlambang expressed his concern about the increasing number of accidents. Based on research results, he said, many accidents occur in productive age, especially men. Therefore, PT Jasa Raharja cooperates with campuses, including UNESA to hold a Safety Campaign.
He hopes that this collaboration will be able to provide education and increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining safety while driving. Compared to abroad, the awareness of the Indonesian people in driving safety is still low.
"I hope that, with our cooperation and concern through this program, Indonesia can build communities that care about driving safety," he said. In addition to the Safety Campaign, his party also wants to hold a driving safety innovation competition. The program is carried out to make the young generation creative, active and able to produce many works for the good of the nation.
The signing of the MoU was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Director of Vocational Studies, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Head of Civil Engineering Study Program, Head of MBKM Unit, Director of Institutional Relations PT. Jasa Raharja, Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT. Jasa Raharja, Head of the Main Branch of Jasa Raharja East Java and Head of the Division of Institutional and Corporate Strategy. [UNESA PR]
Author : Nabila arum
Editor: @zam*
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