Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–A total of 180 D-3 students from various UNESA Vocational Program majors successfully completed their studies. They took part in the 102nd graduation for the third period on Wednesday, October 27, 2021. The graduation with the theme 'Excellent Vocational Program Graduates, Character, Environmentally Insight and ICT-Based Ready to Face Revolution 4.0' was held online and offline at the UNESA Vocational K4 Building, Ketintang Campus.
The details of the judicial participants are 67 participants from the D-3 State Administration, 22 from the D-3 Management Informatics, 9 people from the D-3 Electrical Engineering, 34 participants from the D-3 Graphic Design, 30 participants from the D-3 Fashion Design. , and 2 participants from D-3 Civil Engineering. In addition, from the D-3 Mechanical Engineering there were 7 participants, from the D-3 Catering and Transportation 5 and 4 participants respectively.
Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T., as Deputy Director 1 Vocational UNESA stated that he believed that with the skills acquired during his time at UNESA, the judiciary could compete and give the best contribution in the community. According to him, the task of UNESA graduates is not only to find work, but also to be able to read business opportunities and create job opportunities.
“Therefore, UNESA Vocational graduates besides being skilled, must also be creative. Continue to learn and hone skills on a regular basis, it is important and the key so that we are able to compete and produce innovations,” he said.
He also invited the judiciary to participate and take advantage of the Unesa Career Center. “Please make a career according to your passion and area of expertise. Don't forget to have 4Cs, namely communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity," he said, motivating the participants.
UNESA Vocational Director Dr. Martadi, M.Sn stated that becoming a bachelor or diploma is part of success and aspired by many people out there. Not all can get the opportunity to study in college. Therefore, he appreciated and congratulated the judiciary.
He reminded not to be complacent and always develop competence. Judisium is only the end of academic responsibilities, but the next challenge is to fulfill responsibilities as graduates and citizens. "Behind the title there is a responsibility that must be carried out, I believe you are able to give the best for your family, community, nation and country," he said.
Prof. Dr. H. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd on that occasion stated that in the university of life, everyone becomes a lecturer and everyone becomes an examiner. According to him, the key to success is not determined by IQ or intelligence and appearance, but also because of struggle and persistence in achieving goals. Everyone must have ideals, but not everyone is willing and persistent in pursuing their goals.
On that occasion, three judiciary managed to become the best graduates. They are: Andi Setiawan from the Graphic Design study program with a GPA of 3.84. Then Nada Egynia Petrisia also graduated from the Graphic Design study program with a GPA of 3.81. Then Farida Wijayanti from the D-3 Management Informatics study program with a GPA of 3.79. The event was attended by Dr. Martadi, M.Sn Director of Vocational Studies, Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T., Deputy Director One, Abdul Hafidz, S.Pd., M.Pd as Deputy Director Two, Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd and the entire Head of Vocational Study Program as well as all judicial participants. (Hasna/zam*)
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