Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The UNESA Vocational Program received a visit from the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta on Tuesday (30/11/21) on the Eighth Floor, Unesa Lidah Wetan Rectorate Building. The group of Dr. Imam Basori, ST. MT, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Engineering, UNJ and his staff were immediately greeted by Dr. Martadi, M.Sn UNESA Vocational Director along with the deputy directors and several heads of study programs.
On that occasion, Imam Basori stated that the purpose of his team's visit was to discuss and discuss upgrading the D-3 to D-4 program. "At the same time, we want to listen to the explanation and how UNESA's strategy has succeeded in developing vocational programs," he said.
Meanwhile, Martadi explained, the UNESA Vocational School started from an effort to answer problems in the field. Then it was also triggered by the Director General of Higher Education who wrote to UNESA to upgrade from D-3 to D-4. Currently, UNESA Vocational School has 10 study programs, including D-4 Civil Engineering, D-4 Electrical Engineering, D-4 Fashion Design, D4 Graphic Design and other study programs.
During the meeting, the two parties discussed the requirements for upgrading D-3 to D-4, the advantages of D-4 and several other discussions related to upgrading to D-4. "Perhaps from our experience, we can inspire UNJ friends to immediately form a Vocational Faculty or vocational program," said Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T., as Deputy Director 1 Vocational UNESA.
Imam Basori was grateful for the welcome and explanation from the leadership of the UNESA Vocational Faculty. He hopes that the knowledge and experience from discussions with UNESA can be a guide and motivation to continue to develop and improve education services in the future. (Unesa Public Relations)
Author : Hasna
editor: @zam
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