Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) produced 3,735 graduates at the 97-102nd graduation at Graha UNESA, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Wednesday-Thursday (27-28 July 2022). This is the first offline graduation since the Covid-19 outbreak in the last two years.
Chairman of the Committee Dr. Anung Priambodo, S.Pd., M.Psi.T., said that the total number of graduates from UNESA for the period 97-102 was 6,871 people. Some of them have attended online graduation. Meanwhile, around 3,735 people will take part in offline graduations today and tomorrow. There are a total of four event sessions. The division of this session is done to minimize the occurrence of crowds, considering that they are still in a pandemic situation.
“Participants and graduation companions continue to apply the process. They should have received a third or booster dose of vaccine. For those who are still taking one or two doses, they are required to bring negative results for the antigen swab and must wear a KN95 mask," he said.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., first congratulated all the graduates. It is an honor for graduates to be able to celebrate graduation day with their parents and extended family. "This cool. I saw happy faces in this room, both graduates and parents and families. Hopefully this will be a good start for a better future," he said.

Graduates Ready to Show Competence
Cak Hasan added that the challenges for graduates in the future will not be easy. The changing times with all the demands of competence in it inevitably require graduates to be able to adapt and collaborate to give birth to innovation. Therefore, graduates are really prepared for college. Both from academic and non-academic aspects.
In addition, students are also equipped with hard skills and soft skills in their respective fields. In addition to studying on campus, students are also released to develop themselves and competencies outside of campus through the Merdeka Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) program. In order to strengthen graduates, UNESA has collaborated with various domestic and foreign institutions.
“UNESA has collaborated with more than 6,000 domestic and foreign institutions, be it universities, organizations, government institutions, including the business and industrial world (DUDI). This is all to strengthen graduates so that they are ready for work and skills in the world of work, "explained Cak Hasan.
The Chancellor for two terms advised graduates to maintain the good name of the alma mater and bring about change wherever they are. “Generate innovation and continue to give the best contribution to society, nation and state. The best of people are those who benefit others. Our prayers and support will always accompany all of you," said Cak Hasan, motivating the graduates.

MoU with Domestic and Overseas Partners
On the sidelines of the graduation ceremony, UNESA signed a memorandum of understanding of cooperation with seven partners, namely the Manpower Office of Sidoarjo, PT Indoceria Plastic and Printing, PT Surya Pratista Hutama, Junior Chamber International (JCI) Indonesia Chapter East Java, PSSI East Java, University of Nottingham UK, and Galgotias University India. This collaboration is part of maximizing MBKM and strengthening UNESA graduates.
One of the best graduates and recipients of LPDP S-2 scholarships in Canada, the United States, Febryansah Gilang Aris Pradana said on that occasion that lectures were not only in the classroom, but also outside the classroom. Both opportunities must be used properly so that they can become strong, adaptive and accomplished individuals. In addition to being active in academic activities, he also plays an important role in various organizational activities, both in the Student Executive Board (BEM) and in student creative activities and programs and so on.
“Points as a student can be academic in the form of a good GPA and can also be non-academic. If my version is not a GPA, but how can I maximize my college opportunities to hone myself. From morning to evening, apart from studying and organizing, as an FIO student, I also have to keep practicing,” he explained.
Best Predicate and Qualify US Scholarship
The son of Imam Abdul Haris Setyo Budiono and Pairah, since the beginning of college, he has dreamed of becoming a lecturer. After graduating at UNESA, he wants to continue his master's studies at one of the overseas campuses. He believes, any dream as high as it can be achieved with effort and prayer. Of course it was done wholeheartedly. Since entering college, he has set short, medium and long term targets.
"From that goal, I made a target. From that target, then I compiled a plan to schedule activities every day. This time management is to ensure that my activities really support and lead to my goals going forward,” he explained.
Gilang has been preparing since the first semester to 'pursue' a master's degree scholarship abroad. LPDP is one of them. He regularly improves his English skills. In fact, he was forced to go back and forth from Surabaya to Pare to make sure his English skills were up to the standard of the scholarship.
After a long struggle, the graduate of S-1 Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Faculty of Sports Science (FIO) UNESA ended his studies in a relatively short time plus with the best predicate. Amazingly, he passed the LPDP scholarship with the aim of studying in the United States. "There are actually three campuses, including McGill University and Ohio University," he said.
The keys to Gilang's achievement are setting goals and targets, good time management, a supportive friendship environment, parental blessing and totality and belief in every activity. “I may not be great, but my parents, lecturers and friends have a big role. Hopefully this will be a motivation for me going forward and an inspiration for all of them," he concluded. [UNESA PR]
Writing Team: Hasna, Saputra, Nabila and Amelia
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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