Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, State University of Surabaya held the 101st period II graduation for 188 undergraduate (S-1) and diploma (D-3) students on Thursday (15/07/2021). The activity which was carried out virtually carried the theme "Yudisium FISH UNESA Ready to Face Challenges and Contribute to the Nation and State in the New Normal Era".
The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Dr. Totok Suryanto, M.Pd along with the deputy deans. In addition, it was also attended by the ranks of the senate and the head of the FISH environment department.
Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Indah Prabawati, S.Sos., M.Si said that there were 188 students who graduated during that period. In detail, 12 students from the Civics Study Program, 17 students from the Geography study program, 14 students from the Communication Studies study program, 40 students from the State Administration Study Program, 3 students from the D-3 State Administration study program, 41 students from the Law study program, 32 from Sociology. , and 28 students from the History study program.
FISH's Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. H. Muhammad Turhan Yani, MA in his speech said that the graduation is the culmination of academic and non-academic activities on campus. The industrial era 4.0 is quite challenging. The demands in the future are getting heavier and more complex. Contributions from academia, especially scholars are highly expected for the progress of society and the country.
"With the provision of knowledge, experience and skills and supported by a good personality, it is hoped that UNESA FISH graduates can face various challenges in this industrial 4.0 era and become key players for the progress of society," he said.
On that occasion, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, S.Pd., M.Pd read out the decisions and names of students who got the best graduates in academic and non-academic fields.
Yudisiawan who got the best graduates in academic fields in each study program were Tis'a Nursya'bani from the PPKn S-1 study program with a GPA of 3.78, Shinta Marinda Oktaviani from the Geography study program with a 3.59 GPA, and Reifita Devi L.S. from S-1 Communication Studies study program with a GPA of 3.81. Then also Sevira Vipriyanti from the S1-State Administration study program with a 3.77 GPA, Rahino Radityarso from the D-3 State Administration study program with a 3.17 GPA, Dicky Eko Prasetio from the Law S-1 study program with a 3.9 GPA, Magda Ilona Dwi Putri from the S-1 Sociology study program with a GPA of 3.72, and Norma Diniya from the S-1 History study program with a GPA of 3.6.
While the judiciary with the best non-academic graduates, namely Fatmawati from the PPKn S-1 study program with TKM 2780, Khofifah Kurnia A.M. from S-1 Geography study program with TKM 2120, Herlina Novi B.P from S-1 study program in Communication Science with TKM 1480, Ahmad Rizal Z.G. from S1-State Administration study program with TKM 2910, Hilmiaturrohma Nur FR from D-3 State Administration study program with TKM 460, Dicky Eko Prasetio from S-1 Law study program with TKM 4730, Amalia Rizki PP from S-1 Sociology study program with TKM 4450, and Rahmat Catur Abdian from the History S-1 study program with TKM 1875.
Representative of the FISH judiciary, Dicky Eko Prasetio said that becoming a scholar is his goal, but becoming a scholar who benefits society and the nation is the main thing. "Become a law graduate, not a regulation scholar, and be a law scholar who lives in balance between the spirit and the ideals of justice," he quoted Prof. Dr. Jimly Assdhiddiqie, S.H., M.H.
On that occasion, he also conveyed, the process of seeking knowledge never stops. Learning can be done anywhere without boundaries and with anyone to continue to develop competencies and can continue to be applied in the world of work, the family environment, even in the community. "Educated people in addition to providing benefits, also uphold moral values and give their best work and contribution to the social environment and their country," he concluded. (Aida/zam)
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