Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya –The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) conducted a Computer-Based Service Examination which was held simultaneously throughout Indonesia on Tuesday, (15/6/2021) on the 4th Floor of the PPTI UNESA Training Center Room Lidah Wetan.
According to the schedule, the activity will be held for three days, or until Thursday (17/6/2021). Sulistyorini, S.E., M.Si as the exam supervisor explained that this activity will be divided into three aspects of the exam. There are computer-based official exams, computer-based diploma adjustment exams, and paper presentations for diploma adjustment exam participants.
He added that there were around 41 UNESA participants who took the exam. This activity aims to increase the rank of education staff (tendik) and civil servants at Unesa and throughout Indonesia.
"We from Unesa send anyone who meets, later there will be a selection from the Kemendikbudristek, then we are given the names of who is entitled to participate," he explained. He also added that S-1 graduates will have the opportunity to do a paper presentation exam for the participants of the diploma adjustment exam which will be carried out in front of their immediate supervisor, namely the Vice Dean Two. "They are required to write a paper with the conditions on a predetermined topic, Covid-19 for example," he said.
In the computer-based diploma adjustment exam, there are several exam components. There are verbal, quantitative, reasoning, national insight, English and office management exams. Sulistyorini hopes that all participants who take part in this activity can graduate with satisfactory results. (hasna)
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