Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya opens new student registrations for the transfer of D-3 to S-1 levels in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. This is stated in the announcement letter dated December 29, 2021. For those who want to transfer to the S-1 level, pay attention to the requirements, stages and important dates.
The registration requirements for students on the transfer path from D-3 to S-2 are; 1) Prospective students have a D-3 diploma in education or non-education. 2) have a transcript or list of grades from all courses that have been taken. 3) The study program chosen by prospective new students must be in accordance with the study program in the diploma they have.
The procedures for registration are;
- Registration information that can be accessed through the page http://sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id
- Pay the registration fee which can be done through a BTN Virtual Account or a BTN partner in the amount of IDR 350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand rupiah).
- Online registration and payment of registration fees can be made from 03 January to 11 January 2022.
After registering, prospective new students take the academic potential test which will be held online on January 13, 2022. Starting at 08.00 WIB until finished. Then the results will be announced on January 17, 2022 through the page http://sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id.
Applicants who have passed, must re-register online on 18-21 January 2022. UKT and SPI payments will be made on 20-24 January 2022. The number of UKT and SPI will be announced along with the graduation announcement. Advice and filling out KRS on January 24-31 2022. Warning, if at a later date the participant is accepted and has made a series of registrations plus payments, then all fees that have been deposited cannot be withdrawn.
There are several study programs that can be selected for the transfer program, namely;
- S-1 Visual Communication Design, FBS; accept participants from D-3 Graphic Design
- S-1 Public Administration Science, FISH; accept participants from D-3 State Administration
- S-1 Electrical Engineering Education, FT; accept participants from D-3 Electrical or Electrical Engineering
- S-2 Electrical Engineering, FT: accepts participants from D-3 Electrical Engineering or Electrical Engineering
- S-1 Mechanical Engineering Education, FT: accepts participants from D-3 Engineering M
- S-1 Mechanical Engineering, FT; accept participants from D-3 Mechanical Engineering
- S-1 Building Engineering Education, FT; accept participants from D-3 Civil or Transportation Engineering
- S-1 Civil Engineering, FT; accept participants from D-3 Civil or Transportation Engineering
- S-1 Information Technology Education, FT; accept participants from D-3 Informatics Engineering or Information Management
- S-1 Informatics Engineering, FT; accept participants from D-3 Informatics Engineering or Information Management
- S-1 Information Systems, FT; accept participants from D-3 Informatics Engineering or Information Management
- S-1 Catering Education, FT; accept participants from D-3 Catering
- S-1 Fashion Design Education, FT; accept participants from D-3 Fashion Design
- S-1 Makeup Education, FT; accept participants from D-3 Cosmetology.
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., appealed to all prospective new student participants to pay close attention to the requirements and stages of initial registration to re-registration. He added that this year, the study programs that were opened were dominated by the Engineering Faculty with a total of 12 study programs. The goal is to provide opportunities for D-3 graduates to develop themselves and further competencies needed by the business and industry world (DUDI). [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Azhar
Editor: @zam*
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