Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Chancellor of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) together with the Governor of East Java attended the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) One Century Kick Off entitled "Harmony, Collaboration and Innovation" at Tugu Pahlawan, Surabaya on Thursday, July 28, 2022, evening.
The event consisted of various series including Tupal (Tugu Pahlawan) Fashion Night which showed special performances from the ranks of the East Java PWNU, East Java Governor, Surabaya Mayor, Surabaya Police Chief and UNESA Chancellor with his wife.
In addition, there is also a poetry reading collaboration between the General Chairperson of the East Java MUI, the Chair of the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Regional Management and the Chairman of the East Java PW Muhammadiyah.
Together with other important guests, the Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. Kes who was accompanied by his wife, Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., also handed over compensation to the orphans there.

Then also compete in style and appearance in the midst of millions of NU East Java residents. The first fashion night featured Gus Haris and Ning Marisa from PP Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo, and Gus Ahmad and Ning Sela from PP Lirboyo Kediri.
Then the appearances of Gus Salam and Ning Neli from PP Mambaul Ma'arif Denanyar Jombang, Ra Nasih and Ning Ficky from PP Syaichona Kholil Bangkalan, Gus Ahmad and Ning Widad from PP Salafiyah Baitul Hikmah Pasuruan, and Gus Lora Karror and Ning Aan from PP Syaichona Kholil Bangkalan.
Later appearances were Police Commissioner Akhmad Yusep Gunawan and his wife. Then followed by Cak Hasan with his wife who also demonstrated his style and fashion skills on the catwalk which was greeted with applause from thousands of invited guests.
Cak Hasan appears with his trademark style as an academic and sports practitioner. He wore a white hat with a white, red and green costume. From pants to matching shoes; the left side is green and the right is red. While his wife also wore a sports costume with a combination of red and green and yellow on the shoes.
Both of them swayed like a professional fashion show. Holding hands and carrying the ball typical of sportsmen. The ball was then thrown out, respectively, in the style of basketball and volleyball, which then became a bone of contention for the invited guests.
The hats and jackets of Cak Hasan and his wife also did not escape the struggle which then invited loud cheers. After that, Eri Cahyadi and his wife appeared in a combination of batik and black costumes.
"This is cool. An event that inspires and innovates for the NU generation and Indonesia in general. Hopefully this will be the basis of the strength of the people and the nation in producing innovations for the country's children in various fields, especially in the field of fashion," said Cak Hasan after fashion night.
“Happy one century to NU. Hopefully it will become an organization that unites people and advances the Indonesian nation," he continued.
The event was also filled with other events, there was the El Kiswah gambus, performance of 100 Ishari (Indonesian Hadrah Arts Association) Millennials, lion dance, qori reading from TNI soldiers, Police choir, Chinese lion dance attractions, and tausiyah by KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri or us Ali. from Ponpes Bumi Sholawat, Sidoarjo. (UNESA PR)
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