Illustration of signs of marriage or fiancé that many young people worry about today. (photo: Adenir Figueiredo Carvalho/pexels.com).
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA– Marriage, which was previously seen as an important phase in life, is now faced with doubt by many millennials and Gen Z. Many of them choose to postpone or not even get married at all. This phenomenon reflects a major change in the way we view the institution of marriage, which is no longer considered a social necessity.
According to data from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the number of marriages in 2023 will be recorded at 1,577,255, experiencing a decrease from 2022 which reached 1,705,348. The decline in the marriage rate is an indicator that the younger generation's interest in marriage is decreasing.
Siti Jaro'ah, lecturer in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Surabaya State University (UNESA) said that getting married is indeed a big decision that marks a phase of a person's life journey. Not a few are hesitant to make this decision because of several concerns, such as divorce and domestic violence.
"Now, especially in urban areas, promiscuity which was previously considered taboo is now becoming more commonplace. Due to concerns and other factors, many couples who choose to have a relationship without formal ties such as marriage," he explained.
Economic uncertainty is one of the main factors that influences concerns about marriage. The younger generation faces tougher financial challenges than previous generations, such as rising property prices, high costs of living, etc.
In addition, changes in social views also influence the younger generation's decisions regarding marriage and family. The term "lots of children, lots of fortune" which was popular in the past, is now starting to shift to "lots of kids, lots of dependents".
In the past or regional view, marriage was considered one of the main achievements in a person's life , especially in meeting social expectations and building a family. Marriage at a young age is seen as common and expected.
However, now marriage is no longer considered a top priority for most of the younger generation. They prefer to focus on personal development, education and career before thinking about marriage.
Overcoming various concerns about marriage, there are several steps that can be taken to help individuals feel more prepared. One of them is by strengthening premarital education, so that couples understand the responsibilities, challenges and commitments they will face in marriage.
"With a deeper understanding, fear of divorce, domestic violence or incompatibility can be minimized," he explained .
Apart from that, premarital counseling can also be a solution for those who want to prepare themselves more thoroughly. Counselors can provide guidance on how to face challenges in marriage and provide a more realistic view of long-term relationships.
On the other hand, it is also important for couples to have open communication regarding expectations and boundaries in marriage. The reason is, a husband and wife must understand financial matters and joint responsibilities.
The lecturer who was born in Kayu Jati City emphasized that the younger generation who decide to get married or not need to prepare decisions carefully in the long term. For those who marry, mental, emotional and financial preparation is the main key in building a lasting marriage.
With the right approach, worries about marriage can be overcome, and the institution of marriage can again become an important part of a healthy life and happy.[]
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo : UNESA PR Team
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