Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - UNESA PKM-KC Team successfully passed PIMNAS from 34 DIKTI funded proposals at the 2018 Student Creativity Program (PKM). PKM-KC Team of Surabaya State University consisting of Pero Nika Fitriani (Physics 16), Kusumawati Dwi Lestari (Physics 16), and Handyesa Dika Pratama (PTE 17) had the idea to create an early detector for a landslide. The idea was inspired by the high concern of landslides that occurred in Indonesia but did not yet have an adequate warning system instrument. Landslide smart mitigation is an instrument designed to be able to provide a landslide disaster warning system automatically. This prototype consists of a soil moisture sensor and a slider potentiometer sensor that records data in real time. "Thank God, after a long step we arrived at Pimnas." To carry out this activity we got a fund of 7.8 million rupiah, & rdquo; Said Pero, team leader when interviewed on Monday (5/8/2019). According to him to reach the Pimnas stage, students go through four stages namely, writing a proposal, funding stage, implementing activities and monitoring and evaluation to determine Pimnas participants. "The prototype that we have designed is able to provide landslide early warning with safe, alert and hazard indicators with wireless transmissions" rdquo; The student majoring in physics continued when asked about the tool he created. "Unesa for 2019 there are 34 proposals funded and thank God 9 of these proposals have successfully advanced to Pimnas." If it is present about 26% more, & rdquo; explained Dr. Sifak Indana, M.Pd., as PIC PKM Unesa. (why)