unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Indonesia, will not only host the pre-season session and the MotoGP race series at the Mandalika Circuit in March 2022. However, it also has representatives who will compete in the junior class, Moto3GP. The Indonesian representative in question is Mario Suryo Aji, a Honda Team Asia racer from Indonesia.
Ahead of his debut match, Mario Suryo Aji received a lot of support, one of which was from the State University of Surabaya (UNESA). The form of support is in the form of educational scholarships ranging from undergraduate to doctoral.
The scholarship was symbolically handed over by the Chancellor of UNESA Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., to Mario Suryo Aji at his release by the Governor of East Java at the Grahadi Building, Surabaya on Thursday (20/1/2022).
The Chancellor, who is usually called Cak Hasan, stated that the scholarship could be used starting in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. This is based on the Unesa Chancellor's Decree No. 115/UN38/HK/KM/2022 regarding the Granting of Scholarships for Sports Athletes with Achievements to Study at Unesa in 2022.
This support is intended to appreciate and motivate the racer from Magetan so that he can give the best for East Java and Indonesia. In addition, it is also to provide an opportunity for Mario Aji to continue to develop his achievements and that can inspire many generations.
"So his achievements in the field of sports, in education he is also successful, so this is something good and can certainly inspire other young people to continue to excel," he added.
Armed with facilities and sport science, Cak Hasan ensures that he will provide the best learning scheme for the 17-year-old racer. Therefore, learning or lectures do not interfere with training sessions at home or abroad.
“I hope Mario Aji can study and even get a professorship. So later, we will have a racer with the nickname The Professor, if in Italy there is The Doctor, "he said.
After receiving the scholarship, Mario Aji said he was very grateful and would strive to excel in motorcycle racing and academics. "To the Chancellor of Unesa, Mario expressed his gratitude for the scholarship given. This scholarship really appreciates Mario's achievement on the circuit, but also academically," he said.
For information, Mario Aji underwent a training session at the Mandalika Circuit and was released directly by the Governor of East Java and his staff. The release was also attended by the UNESA Chancellor, Head of East Java Dispora, Head of East Java Koni, Head of Polda Metro Jaya, Head of East Java IMI and many others. [UNESA PR]
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