Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya- The Postgraduate Program of the State University of Surabaya presented the Director of LPDP Scholarship, Ir. Dwi Larso, M. SIE., Ph. D. as a speaker in the Inaugural Lecture for new students for the 2021/2022 Academic year, on Monday 30 August 2021.
With the theme "Strengthening Creative Education in Supporting the Progress of the Nation", Dwi Larso shared inspirational stories about the importance of education. According to him, education is the main capital for the progress of the Indonesian nation. One of them is through the LPDP scholarship program, he explained, this program is aimed at increasing the accessibility of higher education for the people of Indonesia while still prioritizing aspects of the quality of education.
Not only that, he said, as the best sons and daughters of the nation's successors, they must have an adaptive attitude to all changes, be brave and never give up with circumstances, and always be creative and innovative in producing works and breakthroughs, so that in the future the progress of the superior Indonesian nation will be realized.
"All of this is our collective duty. As I quoted in Bung Karno's speech: My struggle is easier because it is against the invaders, but your struggle will be more difficult because you are against your own nation. what is right," he added.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Unesa, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. Kes., and the Director of the Unesa Postgraduate Program, Dr. Edy Mintarto, M. Kes. According to them, the inaugural lecture is intended to provide information to new students of the Postgraduate Program, State University of Surabaya, especially in the academic field.
This inaugural lecture began with a report submitted by the Deputy Director for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Wasis, M. Si. He mentioned that in the odd semester of 2021/2022, 560 new students had been accepted into 26 study programs within the Surabaya State University Postgraduate Program, including: 19 Masters Programs and 7 Doctoral Programs. The study period for the Masters Program, he added, is a maximum of 4 years (8 semesters) with a minimum study load of 36 credits. While the Doctoral Program study period can be taken for a maximum of 7 years (14 semesters) with a minimum study load of 42 credits.
Furthermore, the Deputy Director of General Affairs and Finance, Prof. Dr. Suparji, M. Pd. said that the Unesa Postgraduate program received from 7 scholarship programs, including: LPDP scholarships, Domestic Postgraduate Education scholarships, BNI scholarships, Unesa Freshgraduate scholarships, Developing Country Cooperation scholarships, International Student Scholarships scholarships, and Indonesian Education Scholarships.
This virtual briefing was followed by various socialization sessions starting from the Head of the Unesa Library UPT, the Head of the Language Center UPT, to an explanation related to SSO by PPTI. (meds)
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