Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The diversity that stretches from Sabang to Merauke, makes tourism in Indonesia worldwide. There are several advantages of tourism in Indonesia compared to other countries, two of which have unique natural and cultural attractions. One area that has tourism potential is Tuban, East Java.
The area, dubbed the City of Guardians, not only has charming natural tourist destinations, but also has the potential for cultural tourism through its Langen Tayub. Langen Tayub is a popular regional art around East Java and Central Java which is currently often performed at various community celebration events.
Because of this potential, the UNESA Social Humanities Research Student Creativity Program (PKM-RSH) team made Langen Tayub Tuban part of the tourism development strategy in the area which is also dubbed the 'city of tuak'. The research entitled “Local Wisdom (Local Wisdom) Langen Tyub Tuban as a Village Tourism-Based Cultural Tourism Development Strategy” received funding from the center.
The guidance team of Dr. Oksiana Jatiningsih, M.Si consisted of Wisnu Mahendra as the staff, and Herlone Agustin, Muh Fahmi Kurniawan, Sunarti as members. They are students majoring in Pancasila Moral Education and Citizenship (PMPKN) and one from the Department of Sociology.
Wisnu Mahendra explained that one of the development strategies that they carried out through the research was to integrate nature tourism and cultural tourism which in the research was centered in Jadi and Boto Villages. Both are located in Semanding District, Tuban Regency.
Wisnu explained that Boto Village is a village that regularly holds Langen Tayub art performances, especially when there are earth alms, salvation events and other celebrations. In addition, Boto Village is famous for its legend and palm wine production centers and is supported by the natural beauty of the mountains. "For us, it is very interesting to collaborate with nature and cultural tourism in one village tourism-based tourist destination," he said.
He added that the natural-cultural tourism is not only potential but also important as a means of education about local wisdom and meaning in every nation's cultural heritage. The Langen Tayub performance, for example, is a form of inter-community harmony. "Education through the unique aspects of the homeland's heritage makes it attractive to local communities and even other countries, only the seriousness of management, arrangement, and collaboration between the government and the local community remains," he said.
Wisnu hopes that their research can be one of the references and considerations in the tourism development program in Tuban, especially in Semanding District. "Hopefully tourism there will continue to grow and have an impact on improving the economy of the local community," he hoped. (wulida)
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