Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-In order to improve student competence in the field of tourism, the Department of German Language and Literature, UNESA German Language Education Study Program held a Practitioner Lecture and Guest Lecture on Friday, November 19, 2021. The activity which is part of the UNESA Academic Field program carries the theme 'Rund um Deutsch fuer den Tourismus'.
Head of Tourism Destinations Disbudpar East Java, Dra. Susiati, M.M., was present as a resource person. On that occasion, Susiati conveyed a lot of information about tourism, competencies that students must have and what to do when they become actors in the tourism sector. It also discussed the opportunities and challenges in the tourism sector, especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to him, the tourism potential in East Java is very abundant and diverse. In managing tourism in various regions, it is necessary to involve young people who are creative and visionary. According to him, only creativity can provide a different color and allure in each destination. Tourism is not always about objects, but also involves many aspects. "There are many entrances, there are also many opportunities, it's just that young people now want to be involved or not," he said.
He gave an example, for students of the German Language and Literature Department, especially those who choose tourism package courses, they can be involved. This opportunity is possible to participate in workshops and training in the field of tourism conducted by Disbudpar. "Of course this is an interesting golden opportunity and is awaited by students in the German Language and Literature Department," he said. In addition, students and young people can also develop the tourism sector through their involvement in the creative economy sector. [UNESA PR]
Author: Activity implementation team
Editor: @zam*
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