Unesa.ac.id, MOJOKERTO-In order to develop and optimize tourism potential in Pacet village, the 2021 UNESA KKN-Thematic team held a Tourism Development Socialization to residents of Pacet Made Hamlet, Pacet Village, Mojokerto Regency on Tuesday (9/10/2021). The activity was held at the Village Meeting Hall with the theme “Empowered Village with Excellent Tourism”.
The event was attended by 30 participants including local village and hamlet officials, Tourism Awareness Groups (Pokdarwis), Babinsa, Babinkamtibmas and PKK members as well as local residents. In addition, tourism activists such as Muhammad Febi Fauzan and Agung Wahyudi were also present as presenters.
The socialization aims to optimize tourism in the village with a pentahelix or multi-stakeholder system starting from the government, academia, business actors, the community or the community and the media. All of these elements synergize and are committed to developing the potential of villages and village areas.
The Head of Pacet Village, Yadi Mustofa S.H on that occasion stated that his village has a variety of tourist destinations that can be developed and optimized. There are camping ground, nature tourism, culinary specialties, tourist market, outbound and dolanan (COD) Tegal Klopo, Fortuna Garden, waterpark to white water rafting tours. One of the other charms of tourist destinations in the village is the customary manners such as the courtesy and friendliness of the residents who are still awake. He hopes that through the program, roles and ideas of UNESA KKN-T students, they can advance tourism there.
In terms of potential, Pacet Village has many destinations. However, according to Muhammad Febi Fauzan, the publications are still not massive, both based on websites and social media. In addition, the synergy between managers or developers with the government and other stakeholders also needs to be improved, especially in an effort to introduce Pacet tourist destinations to the entire community. "So that later when people want to go on vacation or travel, their references will immediately go to Pacet village," he said.
Agung Wahyudi also explained that in developing tourism in the village one must have a far-sighted perspective. The paradigm of sustainable or sustainable tourism must be put forward. The strategy is to maintain the local wisdom of the local village and can also polish it with a touch or contemporary trends without reducing the values and aspects of the local genius. “Traveling is incomplete without taking pictures or selfies. Well, this trend must be an opportunity in every tourist destination," he explained.
In addition, according to DPL KKN Dr Moch Purnomo S Pd M Kes, the potential of the region can also be developed with traditional games and sports. The tourism concept can develop the character of the younger generation and preserve the nation's culture through traditional sport tourism. “Tourism must also pay attention to principles; quality of live, quality of opportunity and quality of experience," he explained. "Tourism is not only about tourist objects, but also all the elements in it, including an important part of tourism," he added. [UNESA PR]
Author: Team PKM-T 2021 UNESA-Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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