Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC), Ideology Development Center (PPI), and UNESA Gender and Child Studies Center (PSGA) held a National Webinar with the theme “Youth Against Drugs” on Saturday (03/07/21).
The activity presented three speakers, namely Totok Sumariyanto, S.H., M.H. as the Associate Investigator of the East Java Regional Police Drug DIT, Hafid Algristian, dr., Sp.KJ., M.H. as a psychiatrist at Jemursari Islamic Hospital, and drug survivor Herwin Aswir.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes in his speech explained that the issue of illegal drugs, such as narcotics and the like, currently does not appear much on the media or public agenda. All the attention and thoughts of the government and the public are completely absorbed by the increasingly concerning issue of the Covid-19 outbreak.
He continued that restrictions on activities outside the home, work from home (WFH) and online schools could have an impact on the level of stress experienced by the community. Plus the lack of social control from the community due to limited interaction. "This activity is held so that we are always introspective, not careless about narcotics and the like. Drugs are still a real threat, especially for students," he said.
Meanwhile, Totok Sumariyanto said that no area was clean from drugs. The spread of drugs occurs through many routes, including through sea routes and unofficial ports (rat routes). According to him, almost all areas in East Java have been exposed to drugs. Of the 250 million people in Indonesia, it is estimated that around 5 million people are involved in drug abuse.
There are several factors driving the increasing number of drug cases, including a very profitable business, weak supervision in the sea, air and border areas, and lastly, the drug syndicate network is easy to recruit couriers. While the supporting factors are the high poverty rate, the absence of public facilities, the low social interaction of the community, and there are many boarding houses or residences with high privacy.
According to him, the modus operandi of narcotics is gluing narcotics to certain body parts using adhesive devices, delivery of narcotics by inserting them into the body through the anus, delivery of narcotics by sending them in packages through domestic goods delivery services, and so on. "The loss of drug abuse is very large, especially in terms of health, socio-economics, and security which can result in the loss of a nation's future generations," he said.
Hafid Algristian also explained that cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana are addictive substances (opium) that are most often found in adolescents. There are external and internal influences. External influences, for example following friends, imitating behavior from family, easy access to goods, and cultural influences including advertising. Then for the influence from within, namely wanting to feel pleasure due to stress that is too high and unable to assess risk.
There are three sources of stress and pressure for teenagers, namely academic demands from both school and family, demands for trends and associations such as wanting to be recognized, and parental problems that have an impact on children. When these three factors appear simultaneously, children will feel uncomfortable in the real world, so they run the risk of running into fantasy through using prohibited items to escape reality.
Family can be a source of happiness as well as sadness for teenagers. Family supervision and assistance can prevent teenagers from drugs. "For parents, provide a positive environment as a place for children to develop so that they have a positive personality," he added.
Herwin Aswir also believes that you should never try narcotics, because they are the beginning of a disease that is very difficult to stop, and can even cause death.
"Teenagers should choose to achieve achievement rather than choosing the drug route, because if they are exposed it will be very difficult," he said. “I have experienced it myself with two of my brothers who have died due to using drugs. I finally realized to immediately fight this drug addiction,” he concluded. (Aida)
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