Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–In commemoration of the International Anti-Narcotics Day (HANI) 2021, the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Sports Science (FIO) UNESA held a national webinar with the theme "Communication Strategy of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in Optimizing Drug Prevention to Realize a Golden Generation Full of Achievements" on Saturday (26 /06/2021). The webinar presented Drs. Moch. Satriyono as Sub-Coordinator of Prevention of BNNP East Java and dr. Singgih Widi Pratomo, BNNK Surabaya Youth Addiction Counselor as a speaker.
The webinar, which was attended by hundreds of participants from various universities, was officially opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni Affairs, Abdul Hafidz, S.Pd., M.Pd. Through his speech, he advised that the involvement of academics in the fight against drugs must continue to be intensified. The participation of students in the 'WAR ON DRUGS' effort can be realized through various actions, one of which is by sharing knowledge on the dangers of drugs among the younger generation.
"Drugs will only damage the next generation of the nation, therefore we must be sensitive to the surrounding environment, especially to keep ourselves and those closest to us away from the dangers of drugs," he said.
On that occasion, Moch. Satriyono started the discussion by presenting material about the drug emergency in Indonesia. Based on the 2019 national prevalence rate, 2.40% of 10,000 Indonesians aged 15–64 years were exposed to and had used drugs. Then 1.80% of 10,000 Indonesians aged 15-64 years were exposed to and used drugs during the past year.
Furthermore, Satriyono said that the dominant types of drugs consumed in the past year were marijuana (65.5), methamphetamine (38%), and ecstasy (18%). While most drug users are in the productive age range of 35-44 years. This very dangerous condition can also trigger drug abuse to become more widespread targeting teenagers who are still vulnerable to being affected.
To overcome this, BNN has prepared a prevention strategy to realize a generation full of achievements and shine (clean drugs). The program in question is prevention, control, abuse, and illicit drug trafficking (P4GN) which can be applied to the university environment.
Efforts to provide information and education about the dangers of drugs and the impact of drug abuse, provide various soft skills and life skills training, always be productive and act positively can be carried out by the entire Unesa academic community. “Unesa students must be able to become pioneers in the fight against drugs (WAR ON DRUGS), able to become the main agents of change in the world of education. The hope is to make Unesa shine, achieve, without drugs," he concluded. (juris)
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