Unesa.ac.id, surabaya – In order to eradicate the use, distribution and abuse of drugs in universities, the East Java BNNP together with the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) and 10 other universities in East Java signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the University of Clean Drugs (Universitas Bersinar) on Tuesday (10/08). /2021).
The event was attended by Brig. Pol. Drs. Mohamad Aris Purnomo as the head of the East Java BNNP and his staff, and the rector. In his remarks, Mohamad Aris Purnomo said that the purpose of the MoU was to form the basis for cooperation between the East Java BNNP and universities to implement programs for the prevention, eradication, abuse and illicit trafficking of drugs (P4GN).
"Through the Tridharma of Higher Education, in order to realize the optimization of shining campus universities in the East Java province, so we are committed through this collaboration," he said. With this program, he hopes that students can establish synergies with the community and BNN institutions, and can create individuals and communities who are firm in rejecting drug abuse.
The scope of this collaboration includes the implementation of integrated communication, information and education in KKN or community service programs in the village to prevent drug abuse in the community. Next, include the shining village program as one of the KKN program options for students. Capacity building of students and KKN supervisors related to the P4GN program or the shining village to be implemented in the shining village program.
Of course, the last point is the creation of a shining campus. "Through this memorandum of understanding, it is hoped that it can stimulate innovations, in an effort to reduce the number of demand for narcotics or narcotics," he explained. He also hopes that more universities can cooperate more specifically for the development of materials or curriculum based on anti-drug education.
Representing the other rectors, Prof. Dr. H. Nurhasan, M.Kes., Chancellor of UNESA in his remarks said that UNESA together with 10 other universities in East Java are ready to support and encourage the "Universitas Bersinar" program and optimize the drug-free village or urban village program (bersinar). Tridarma of higher education in East Java Province and Application of Anti-Drug Education for Early Childhood Education.
This collaboration is an effort to harmonize the prevention program against drug abuse in the community through synergy between students, the community and BNN institutions in the region. In addition, to create a community and family that has a firm attitude against drug abuse and the establishment of a drug-free area. (hasna/zam)
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