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Unesa.ac.id & ndash; Surabaya Surabaya State University in collaboration with Askajati (East Java SPK School Association) held a training for SPK teachers to get competency certification. The training period has started since July 8 2019 and ended on July 13 2019 on the 9th floor of the Building for Learning and Quality Assurance Development Institution (LP3M). The event was attended by the Rector of Unesa Prof. Dr. Nurhasan M. Kes. Drs. Martadi M.Sn Dr. Syamsul Sodiq M.Pd. BAN and Askajatim.
Competence Training Activities for SPK Teachers is the first time to be held in Indonesia. The purpose of holding this training activity is to increase the competence of educators in SPK institutions on an ongoing basis to improve insights and skills related to SNP (National Education Standards) especially in content standards processes and assessments and finally to certify the competencies of SPK teachers as part of the school accreditation requirements.
In this activity the material provided is identical to the PPG material in the position or PLPG in the position summarized or compacted. The event was attended by approximately 442 participants from 8 provinces (East Java DKI Jakarta Central Java West Java Banten North Sumatra South Sumatra and Bali) consisting of 16 subject teachers divided into 21 study groups. The facilitators in this activity came from LPA BAN and Unesa themselves totaling around 100 people.
During one week of training these teachers carry out many activities including pre-test strengthening material from BAN strengthening pedagogical and professional competence and finally computer-based post-test. From the results of tests conducted found 22 participants with the highest grades in each class including Inez Noviyanti Salim SA ST Arief Rachman S.Sc. David Lesman ST Oktavia Ratna Utami S.Pd. MM and several other participants.
In his remarks Martadi said that the teachers who took part in this education and training activity were likened to F1 drivers & ldquo; We did not teach them how to drive which we taught how to drive racing cars on the road. national. & rdquo; Teachers are taught to know national education standards not only to master international education standards but also national education standards. A teacher is a person who is needed by the nation to color and advance the nation. Therefore teachers are obliged to introduce Indonesian colors so that Indonesian children do not lose their Indonesian roots when they are at the international level.
& ldquo; Hopefully inevitably like it or not In this 4.0 industry era ladies and gentlemen are demanded to be creative. When creativity needs to be collaborated and adapt to the situation & rdquo; Nurhasan said in his speech. (hasna
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