Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Mount Semeru erupted on Saturday, December 4, 2021. Black clouds and hot lava darkened the sky around Lumajang and Malang Regencies. Several villages on the slopes of the mountain were submerged in mud and killed several people. Meanwhile, only a dozen victims were found. Residents were forced to evacuate to safe areas.
When the eruption occurred, four UNESA students majoring in English Language and Literature UNESA consisting of M. Alwi Hussein, Eka Syamratul Fikriyah, Ajeng Tialin Natasya and Putri Nurlailia were doing an internship in a tourist village in Penanggal Village, Candipuro District, Lumajang. Candipuro District is one of the areas affected by volcanic ash. However, specifically in their basecamp village, it was not too bad and was used as a temporary refuge for other villagers.
The internship place becomes a disaster post
Eka Syamratul Fikriyah, said that since the first eruption, he and three of his friends immediately transferred their internship program to a volunteer program to help with the evacuation process and ease the burden on residents in the refugee camps. In fact, he and his friends made the internship basecamp a disaster post.
On a daily basis, they help officers collect data on victims and damage in the field. In addition, it also helps in the distribution of basic necessities for residents at the location. "We help residents and the community, we have to be volunteers, this is important and for humanity," said Eka Syamratul on Monday, December 6, 2021.
He said that the condition of the residents in Candipuro was becoming increasingly apprehensive, and the tears and sorrow of the residents were unavoidable. Many residents lost their homes and even their family members were crushed by the mud. Residents are afraid again, after another eruption occurred. "Hopefully there won't be another eruption," he hoped.
Urgent: basic necessities to medicines
In refugee camps, one of which is at the post they have prepared, residents need help and a helping hand from all brothers and sisters in various regions. The main needs there are basic needs such as clean water, food, and clothing. Then, also temporary beds such as mats, post tents, pillows and coats.
“Medicine is also necessary, so that the condition of the displaced residents can be healthy and there are many more. For children and the elderly, we help run to the nearest health center," he explained. He and his colleagues hoped that the eruption would not occur and that assistance from others could continue to flow to ease the burden on residents affected by the eruption.
UNESA adds volunteers for trauma healing
In addition to material needs, the victims, especially the children there also need a psychological touch. Because of that, the volunteers from SMCC UNESA also went to Lumajang. The aim is to assist in the program's evacuation process and the most important thing is to do trauma healing for the post-disaster victims. "Prayers from all the people in Indonesia are also important so that this disaster ends quickly, and the victims who have not been found will soon receive a bright spot," hoped Alwi Hussein. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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