Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The UNESA Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) dispatched volunteers to help victims of the Mount Semeru Eruption. The release ceremony was led by the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T., in the Lobby of the UNESA Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus on Friday, December 10, 2021.
Suprapto said that going to the disaster area was a social responsibility to ease the burden on the residents affected by the disaster there. According to him, care must be encouraged, a sense of brotherhood must be upheld and empathy must be put forward. "If we don't help each other, who will, this is a humanitarian mission," he said.
He advised volunteers to maintain their health and comply with health protocols at the location. The goal is not only to save yourself, but also to save all. "Congratulations on duty and carry out a noble mission," he said.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of SMCC, Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Sc., Psychologist said that before leaving, the volunteers had made various preparations and received briefings. In disaster locations, the task is to assist officers in the evacuation and recovery process at the refugee camps. In addition, according to UNESA's excellence, the volunteers are also tasked with doing trauma healing to speed up the recovery process for the victims.
From the donations that came in the last six days, the funds were used to purchase logistics needed by the victims. Aghus Sifaq, S.Or., M.P.d., Head of the Disaster Mitigation Division of SMCC stated that his party had coordinated with various internal and external parties. Such as UKM Menwa, Himapala, UKKI, and representatives from various faculties.
In addition, the Lumajang Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Bank BTN, Widyagama Lumajang University, UIN Malang, and several other PTNs in East Java. "The goal is to build collaboration at the location," he said.
Reza Dwi Ramadhan, the volunteer coordinator stated that the main focus of him and his team at the site was to relieve stress, anxiety and trauma from the post-disaster victims. The target is children and the general public. Especially for children, they provide psychoeducation to entertain and restore psychology.
Meanwhile for the general public, especially mothers, they are also given a kind of trauma healing and disaster mitigation. "We also share how to massage the injured limbs as a result of the disaster and also open a post, one of which is providing free medical treatment," he explained.
Some of the volunteers, he continued, had just returned from the same mission in the Masalembu Islands. Returning from there, the volunteers resumed their mission to Lumajang. He hopes that the natural disaster will end soon and the victims will recover quickly and return to normal. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Lukman
Editor: @zam*
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