Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held the 101st graduation for 333 undergraduate (S-1) students on Thursday (08/06/2021). The activity which was held virtually carried the theme "The 101st Judiciary is Ready to Move Together to Build an Advanced Indonesia".
The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Mochammad Nursalim, M.Si and the ranks of the deputy deans of FIP. In addition, the chairperson and secretary of the department, head of the laboratory and lecturers around FIP were also present.
Dean of the Faculty of Education Dr. Mochammad Nursalim, M.Si in his speech said that the graduation which had passed the hundred mark was attended by 333 students who successfully passed and completed the academic procession well. "Because there are processes, struggles and sacrifices so that today (Judisia, ed) feels meaningful, special and historic," he said.
The great person, he added, was not shaped by comfort, instead grew and grew from the difficulties and challenges that were well faced. Great people do not see adversity as a problem, instead as an opportunity to forge themselves, shape their identity, and develop themselves so that they become better.
“We (the leadership of FIP, ed) believe that our fellow students have passed the challenges so far well. We also believe that FIP graduates have character, excellence and achievements, so prove it through works and contributions that are beneficial to society and the nation," he said. “Keep the spirit of learning and developing yourself. Take care of the good name of your family and alma mater wherever you are," he said to the judiciary participants.
Mochammad Nursalim continued, in 2021 FIP Unesa won various achievements and achievements. A total of six study programs managed to get A accreditation, two study programs with B accreditation, and FIP also has several masters study programs.
On that occasion, FIP also gave awards to eight students with the best cumulative achievement index (GPA). They are Ika Fitria Maheasy, Anisa Ayu Lestari, Ega Edva Nur Syifa Hartono, I Gusti Ayu Agung, the wife of Risna Prajna Devi, Vivin Ariyanti, Dewi Novitasari, Septiawan, and Windy Sinansari.
In addition, three students with the best non-academic assessment system (SIPENA) were also announced. The three students are Dan I Gusti Ayu Agung, the wife of Risna Prajna Devi, Andik Nova Afrizal, and Dewi Novitasari.
Ika Fitria Maheasy, one of the best judicial participants on that occasion, thanked all the lecturers who had educated, accompanied and guided them patiently during the lecture. According to Ika, for these services, there is no better reward than a thank you and making yourself into a good person, with character and success as expected.
"Knowledge, messages and advice from teachers and lecturers will always accompany our success steps in the future, namely as national teachers who contribute to the intellectual and welfare of the community wherever they are," he said. The activity ended with the reading of prayers by Dr. Karwanto, S.Ag., M.Pd. (Nov/zam)
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