Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Rizka Septiawati, S-1 student of Office Administration Education, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) has extended the list of achievements of UNESA students. The woman who is usually called Rizka came out as the first winner in the Tax Talking Video Contest (BIJAK) held by Tax.com on September 15-October 31, 2021 ago.
The competition was themed “Types of Taxes in Daily Life” which was attended by around 150 participants from high school/vocational/MA and equivalent students and students throughout Indonesia.
The purpose of these activities is to increase public awareness, especially students and students regarding taxation and understand the types of taxes in everyday life. The aspects assessed include content, visuals and creativity.
In the competition, Rizka brought a video with the theme 'Examples of Regional Taxes' by referring to Law Number 28 of 2009 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Levies. In her video, Rizka explains about examples of local taxes, including restaurant taxes.
Restaurant tax is a tax on services provided by restaurants. This restaurant tax is imposed on services provided by restaurants including the sale of food or drinks consumed by buyers, whether consumed on the spot or elsewhere.
In addition, the video also explains that the tax only targets sales from restaurants whose sales value exceeds a certain limit whose provisions may vary from region to region.
Prior to that, Rizka also collected trophies, including 3rd place in Sociopreneurship held by FISIP UINSA 2021, 3rd place in the National Video Competition held by the 2021 FEB UNESA Investment Gallery, and 3rd place in the Dean Cup Photography Competition held by BEM FEB UNESA 2020.
Rows of achievements must indeed be 'paid for' with determination and struggle that is sometimes tiring. Behind her many achievement trophies, Rizka admits that she has failed several times. From there he continued to rise, practice and innovate until finally it bore fruit.
“Diligent, diligent, never give up and keep practicing, that's what I do. In order to motivate myself and improve my skills, I keep pushing myself to take part in competitions at least once a month,” he said.
For him, there is no stopping to learn and develop himself. Learning is lifelong. Working is part of developing yourself. He hopes that his efforts and achievements can be a motivation for him and others.
“Our job is only to study and pray until we really know the maximum limit of effort and enjoy the sweetness of endeavor. If you fail, get up and try again, stay patient and be with your parents' prayers and support," explained the 2019 student. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Wulida
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Home of the Champions, @Official Unesa
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