Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA -Innovation after innovation continues to be born from the hands of students of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA). Recently, three of his students made a temperature control device to help increase the productivity of oyster mushroom cultivation. The tool is named RC-Stem, an acronym for mushroom cultivation system.
RC-Stem was born from the idea of Afaurina Indriana Safitri of Physics Education S-1 study program, Aminudin Zakaria of Physics Education S-1 study program and Mita Lutviatiani of Out-of-school Education S-1 study program. The idea originated from their concern for the plight of oyster mushroom cultivators who complained about the decline in cultivation yields from year to year.
“Our findings are that every year there is a decline in oyster mushroom yields, even though the number of market demands continues to rise. Therefore, it is not surprising that the price is always soaring in the market. So from there we thought about what the solution would be,” explained Mita.
They then conducted a survey to find out the cause. Apparently, the main factor is because the temperature conditions in the kumbung do not support the growth of fungi plus the cause of the emergence of pests and diseases. "This tool that we made functions to regulate the humidity of the air in the cultivation room so that pests do not appear that can interfere with the fungal growth process," said Mita.
Their innovation was proposed in the National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTIN) organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) University of Mataram (Unram) last May with the theme “Young Generation Innovation in Optimizing the Potential of Resources and Science and Technology to Realizing the 2030 SDGs.” Their team managed to get rid of a number of other teams and came out as champions.
Aminudin and his two colleagues hope that their findings can be used by the wider community and can help increase crop yields. "In the future, we will try to continue to develop it so that its function is not only as a temperature regulator, but also has other functions which of course further increase the effectiveness and efficiency of mushroom cultivation," said Aminudin. (UNESA PR)
Author: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo : Afaurina Indriana Safitri documentation
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