Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The Student Association of the Department of Economics Education, Faculty of Economics and Business, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a diversity discussion with the theme KOPI or the Study of Tolerance Cases: Religious Views in Overcoming Intolerance Problems in the Young Generation online. The event which took place on Sunday (26/06/2022) was attended by around 118 participants.
The first resource person, I Wayan Suraba, S.H., M.Pd.H., as the Chairperson of Paruman Walaka PHDI Surabaya explained material related to religious tolerance. Education about tolerance is a characteristic for someone who loves his country. "The freedom to choose one's own religion is already listed in the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he explained.
The second resource person, Dr. H. Muhammad Yazid, S.Ag. M.Si, as Chair of the Surabaya Religious Harmony Forum, explained the material related to how to overcome tolerance in Indonesia. According to him, in fostering tolerance between religious communities, studies related to multiculturalism and tolerance like this should be held frequently.

Tolerance in Islam is known as as-samahah, and promotes ukhuwah. Differences in culture, language, skin color, beliefs, and so on should be a factor of unity, not division. As good citizens and adherents of a good religion, it is appropriate to avoid radical ideas which can be done by way of friendship, tabayyun, and local wisdom.
For this reason, the perspective of religious harmony in Indonesia must be improved through a deep awareness of diversity. "The meaning of tolerance is having an attitude of mutual love, respect, respect, love, regardless of culture, language, customs, ethnicity, views, opinions, or political choices, because we are all brothers," he said.
Drs. Rovy Agus Sapto Priyono M.Th(c), as a Christian Religion Lecturer, gave several examples of cases of intolerance in Indonesia, such as the occurrence of prohibitions against someone, discriminatory actions or treatment, and various other actions that do not reflect an attitude of tolerance.
The impact of intolerance in religion is an act or unfair treatment, physical or material loss and mental or personality, the threat of violence or mass fights, the threat of harmony, the threat of community economic destruction, the threat to the existence of the basic state, namely Pancasila, and the threat of national disintegration. “It is dangerous, therefore, we need to strengthen and cultivate again. This is a shared task of course and a shared commitment," he said.
Dr. H. Moch. Khoirul Anwar, S.Ag., MEI., Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni FEB appreciated the holding of the event. Then conveyed his deepest gratitude to the resource persons who were present to provide enlightenment in terms of maintaining harmony in the community.
"He hopes that this event will not only be an insight for participants from various circles, but also strengthen their shared commitment in fostering a sense of brotherhood and mutual love. Tolerance, apart from being insight or knowledge, must also be a common example," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Reyka Ayu
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations reporter documentation
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